Page 26 of A 4th Full of Rage

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Lindsey turned on him as I smirked. The guys were about to discover exactly how ruthless we could be.

“Hell no. We spent all morning decorating. I want my cookout, those freaking desserts, and then the fireworks. Ain’t no fuckin’ Fang Banger ruining my holiday,” Lindsey stated and folded her arms.

“Fang Banger, I like that!” I chuckled.

“You really think we’re going to stop our fun?” Artemis asked, appalled.

One by one, the old ladies turned a dead eye on their men.

“Baby, you’ve been in a shootout,” I heard Rock saying to Carly.

“Yup, all the more reason to celebrate,” Carly replied. “And they made these cute hotdog things I have to try!”

“I don’t believe this,” Texas stated, raking his hands through his hair.

“Get with security, clean this shit up, use the damn crematorium. That’s why you bought it anyway, and then let’s party,” Marsha said, patting his chest.

“Where’s my woman?” Texas asked, clearly looking for someone sane.

“In the basement with the Hellions.” Casey grinned.

Texas paled. His carefree wife would be murderous by now. I read the thought as plain as day on his face.

“Right then, chop, chop. Liz will send help to where we took these assholes out. You get them, and we’ll shower and change clothes, and then you guys can. And you can tell us what happened at Rage before we stick it all behind us and party,” I said firmly.

Several brothers sent disbelieving looks at me as I chivvied my ladies along. We’d survived. Who gave a fuck what happened next? The kids were safe, and Rage would take care of the clean-up. Today was about celebrating America’s independence; even if I was English, I could enjoy the day! And I planned to. This was merely a blip in the cog.


“Seriously?” he asked when Ace informed him that the celebrations were still underway.

“Yup. Phoe is determined. They’ve gone to wash up and then burn their clothing. They’re shoving it into a big bonfire to ensure no trace of blood is ever found on them,” Ace said.

“Swear to God, they’re fuckin’ nuts,” Drake muttered. Serenity had arrived and relieved him and Lowrider of Eddie and Davy. Both girls were clingy but appeared fine. Drake wasn’t sure what Eddie decided, but she’d accepted his excuse of evil men who wanted to steal valuables. He noted that neither girl seemed shocked about the dead guys and resolved to keep an eye on them. Drake knew trauma could flare up anytime.

“Shit, Serenity made a real mess,” Fish cursed, stumbling towards them.

“Bad?” Rock said, paling.

“She Frenzied them and then some,” Fish muttered.

“Fuck, cocks cut off?” Hunter winced.

“And shoved either in their mouth or up their ass. Serenity wasn’t choosey this time,” Fish explained.

“Christ, Drake, she’s one scary bitch,” Slate muttered.

“Serenity carved them up like Hannibal Lecter in that film,” Slick confirmed as he approached, looking green.

“Tell me she didn’t eat his liver!” Blaze exclaimed.

Drake shot Blaze a dark glare.

“That’s my baby girl. Of course she didn’t,” Drake snapped. Then murmured in an aside to Fish, “Did she?”

Fish offered Drake a dark look.

“Their balls are missing,” Slick stated.

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