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My brows shot up and fire ignited in my core. “My parents are taking the kids overnight?”

“Yep.” She let the P pop, then licked her lips seductively.

“Kids!” I yelled as I rushed to our bedroom at the back of the house with Willa giggling as I dragged her along. “Pack a bag and get ready for Grandma and Grandpa!”

She broke out into full on laughter until we reached our room and I slammed the door shut before pushing her up against the wall. My mouth slammed down onto hers, and I kissed her hard, letting her feel the depth of my pent-up passion.

When I tore my mouth away, Willa’s eyes were cloudy with desire as sagged against the wall. I couldn’t help the smug grin that spread across my face.

Willa shook her head a little and blinked several times, slowly clearing away the fog. “Get that cocky smirk off your face, Kurt,” she said with a chuckle.

“I’m packed, Daddy!” Briar shouted from the hallway.

“Well, this ought to be interesting,” my wife commented as I moved to open the door.

Briar marched into the room, rolling a little unicorn suitcase behind her. “See?” She held out her hand proudly, and I nodded, pretending to be impressed.

“Excellent job, munchkin. But how about you let Mommy check to make sure you didn’t forget anything?”

Briar considered my suggestion for nearly a full minute, then bobbed her head once. “Okay.”

Willa smiled and tousled Briar’s soft curls before putting her luggage on the bed and unzipping it. She glanced at me over her shoulder, and I could tell that she was suppressing laughter, so I walked up behind her to peer into the bag.

There were at least six pairs of underwear, a T-shirt, a stack of books that took up half the bag, some plastic food, sunglasses, a pair of sparkly princess shoes, and four stuffies.

I couldn’t help it, laughter burst from my chest, and I buried my head in Willa’s neck to try and muffle it.

“See? I didn’t foget anyfing!” she stated proudly with her hands planted on her hips and her chin in the air.

“How about you just pick out a pair of pants and a nightgown, baby girl?” Willa suggested gently.

After deep consideration, Briar shrugged. “Okay.” Then she ran out of the room.

“Hello!” My momma’s voice rang through the house, and I yelled back, “Be right there!”

The kids shouted and went running, presumably to throw themselves at their grandma.

Willa went to greet my parents, then packed overnight bags, while I quickly changed out of my scrubs into a black T-shirt and sweatpants.

The kids were jumping up and down around my parents, all of them talking at once. I chuckled at the chaotic scene, feeling warmth spread through my chest at the reminder of how amazing my life was.

Willa walked into the front room carrying two small duffels and Briar’s little rolling bag. I hurried over and took them from her, earning myself a sweet smile that sent ripples of pleasure through me.

“Ready to go?” my dad asked the kids. They all shouted their agreement and scampered after my parents as they headed out to their car.

I followed with the bags and stowed them in the trunk, then kissed each of my babies goodbye. While Willa did the same thing, I walked over and gave my dad a hug.

“Thanks for this.”

My mom was standing beside him snickering, and I bent to hug her as well. “Willa mentioned you’ve been gone for almost a week. She was practically in tears—probably hormones—so I figured you could use the time alone.” There was something odd in my mom’s voice, and an unusual twinkle in her eyes. It should have made me more suspicious, but I was distracted by my sexy wife sashaying over to me.

“Well, we’re off,” my dad announced. “We won’t be back until after dinner tomorrow. Taking the kids to an amusement park.”

Willa and I stood in the driveway, watching them leave and waving. Once they were out of sight, I scooped my wife into my arms and sprinted to our bedroom and into the bathroom. I needed to wash away the last couple of days, and I wasn’t going to do it alone. I flipped on the shower, then quickly stripped before facing Willa again. Her hazel orbs darkened as she drank in the sight before her. When they landed on my long, hard cock, she licked her lips and I nearly lost control.

“Mom said you missed me so much you were crying,” I said smugly as I frantically pulled at her clothes.

“You don’t need the ego boost,” she replied as she helped me take off her bra and panties. “But I’ll admit to it if you give me an orgasm for every day you were gone.”
