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“Hi, feel better?” She looks good, fresh out of the shower. My body doesn’t know when to quit. I mean, this really isn’t an appropriate response to someone that could be a potential risk to my life, is it? My brain has no say in the matter, because my heart and soul belong to Daisy. They always have. God, pass a sick bucket! When did I get so gross and mushy?

“Yep, now we need to talk. What do you want to do?” She’s all business which I appreciate.

“First, we ship out the laptop and phones. Can you see if there is anything of use on the one we picked up from our pursuer first?” She nods. Although she wiped her laptop and phone, she didn’t touch the one we nabbed off the woman.

“There’s only one number listed. No calls going out or coming in, but there is a message thread. One-way by the looks of it. That woman has been sending updates on our location. The last one was when she got on the train. She confirmed that she’d located us again.”

“Okay, is there anything we can do with that number?”

“Not if I can’t use my laptop, no.” It’s a Catch-22. If we use the laptop, we are still traceable but if we don’t the number and its owner remains a mystery. “I think it’s best if we stick to our original plan. Get rid of the hardware and get to Copenhagen. Once we have the rest of the book, we can work out who is behind the number.”

Honestly, I’m happy that Daisy is taking the lead. My brain is fried. I stamp down the little niggling thoughts that are still percolating. If she’s lying, I’ll find out sooner rather than later, I suppose.

“Okay, we’ll head out tomorrow. I suggest we wait until we are ready to leave before sending the laptop and phones. Once we are on the road, I’m only stopping for petrol. It’s a straight run to Copenhagen, okay?”

“Fine by me. That leaves us time to talk. I changed my mind. I’m not waiting for this to be done before delving into that crock of shit you accused me of. At some point before we get the other piece of the book we are going to have it out.” Jesus, this is going to be a long fucking journey.

Chapter 22


Ispent the five hours it took us to drive to Copenhagen, stewing on everything that Callie had said to me in Hamburg. I get that she was upset. Both of our emotions were running on high, but, fuck, to accuse me of sleeping with her for nefarious reasons sliced me to the bone.

Without sounding super dramatic, what Callie said to me felt so much more painful than any of the cruel jibes my dad would throw my way. Maybe it’s because he meant very little to me and Callie means the world. I’m not sure, but I know I never want to hear such things from her again.

Being chased by that woman was terrifying. For the first time, I actually thought we could come to harm. Yes, we have had some close calls and none of this has been plain sailing, but to have a person chase us with the intent of harming us is something else. When I was a child, I used to have a recurring nightmare about being chased. But in my dreams, I couldn’t run properly. Every time I tried to move my legs faster, they felt as if they were glued to the floor. Having the woman chase us made me feel just like I did as a child. If it wasn’t for Callie urging me on, I think I would have frozen.

I was very impressed with the way Callie took our hunter out. Looking back, it was super fucking hot if I’m being honest. How did she know to do that? I wonder if she’s had to tackle someone before. All the hotness left as soon as Callie uncovered the woman’s phone.

Just like Callie, I was also shocked to find the woman carrying the same type of phone that I have. The type of phone I know for a fact is only issued to my company because I helped make the fucking thing. There was no way she could have access to it unless she was an employee. That raises so many questions and I can’t answer any of them yet.

I guess I can understand Callie making the leap that I am somehow involved. If the shoe was on the other foot, I may have thought the same thing, but I can’t say I would have accused Callie of fucking me into staying with her. Hell, I didn’t even initiate it the first time! Yeah, I kissed her in that manky bed in the rundown farmhouse, but it was Callie who felt herself up in front of me.

Side note: If this all works out and we live happily ever after, we have to radically change our story because our future kids cannot know any of this!

What we have shared on this… shit, what do I call this? It’s not an adventure, it’s the opposite. A misadventure, yeah, that about sums it up. Anyway, what the two of us have shared on our misadventure is nothing to scoff at. I thought we connected. I wasn’t just fucking her. Is that what she thinks this is, a quick fuck to get us by until it’s all over and done with?

See, that’s what I’m ruminating on and usually I’d have no problems having it out with her, but this time I can’t. I’m hurt and I’m scared. Somehow, my company is involved in all this shit. They can’t possibly be working for Betty, so why are they sending people after me and Callie?

To figure that out, I need my equipment, which isn’t possible now, not after getting rid of my laptop and phone. It was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew that Callie would run from me if I didn’t do that for her. To be fair, she’s right. The laptop was compromised and keeping it would have been foolish. Still, getting rid of it felt like cutting off a limb.

We arrive in Copenhagen and I’m immediately cold. Did I mention I hate the cold with a passion? I have one jumper and a pair of jeans in my bag to change into. I’ll do that after taking a scalding shower in the hotel room. Callie booked us a room before we left Germany, and I wondered if she’d stick us in separate rooms after what was said.

After depositing our bags in the room—I’ll spare the description. It’s just another hotel room in another town. I never thought I’d get sick of travelling, but with the mood I’m in, I just want to stop and go home—we head out. Callie still hasn’t told me where the third piece of the book is. I follow obediently. I can’t handle another showdown with her.

Tivoli Gardens is a place I read about on a travel blog ages ago. I always wanted to go—in winter, to be precise—because it’s supposed to be magical. This visit is far from that. Just one more thing to be pissed about.

Callie buys two tickets, but we don’t enter. Instead, she takes me to a pub. Now this is what I’m talking about. I don’t even wait for her. I go straight to the bar and order two pints.

The beer feels heaven sent as it makes its way into my bloodstream. Come on, alcohol, do your thing. The pub is busy, but not in a way I’m used to. In England and Scotland, most pubs get a bit rowdy. Here there are tables packed with people but they’re laughing and playing board games. It’s a bit bizarre, but I’m for it. I’m also for the open fire that’s churning out wonderful heat.

We haven’t communicated in hours and I’m starting to get upset again. This is horrible. I look at Callie, who is watching a table next to us play a card game. I nudge her foot with mine. She turns to look at me and I hate that I see the mistrust she has developed for me shine through so clearly. “Are we just going to ignore each other from now on?”

“No.” Oh goody, monosyllabic answers. I suppose that’s one up from no answers at all.

“Good talk, Callie,” I roll my eyes at her and shake my head.

“What do you want me to say?”

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