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I don’t know what to say because I don’t know what to think. I would never have thought Daisy would ever betray me, not until today. It’s not a coincidence that the woman from the train has the same tech as Daisy. Does that mean the man at the motel traced us because of her, too? I have too many questions and no answers. Daisy refusing to give up the thing that is allowing these people to track us speaks volumes in my mind. “Give up the laptop and phone, or we part ways here.”

“You think I’m working for Betty, don’t you?” Her eyes are laced with anger and hurt, but I won’t fall for it. Ever since Daisy Simpson showed up, my life has been on the line. I’d done a great job of hiding for six years and now suddenly everyone and their dog knows where I am.

“I don’t know, Daisy. Are you? These people that keep finding us clearly work with you. Maybe they were just supposed to observe us, keep an eye on us to make sure you were safe until you could hand me over?”

“Fuck you, Callie!”

“Yeah, you did that. Was that your surefire way to keep me around?”

Daisy visibly pales and recoils. “How could you ever think that?”

“How could I not? You’ve been secretive with me from the beginning about all this—” I wave to her laptop “—I trusted you without question.”

“I am not working for Betty. I would never work for her. I want what you want, Callie. I want you to be able to come home.”

“Then tell me what you do, tell me who these people are.”

“I can’t!”

“Then I can’t stay with you.”

“You’re just going to leave me here?”

“I doubt you will have any problems. Just give your friends a call. I’m sure they would be happy to pick you up. Hell, you can debrief them on the way home.” I’m being a snarky bitch, which is out of character for me. Later on I’m going to collapse under the weight of it all, but not now. Now I need to get away from her and to safety. If being a royal arsehole is the way I need to act to cope, then so be it.

“No, I won’t let you leave.” Daisy moves to stand in front of the door. “I am not a traitor. I am not working for Betty. I am here for you, to help you, and that’s it. I know you’re scared, Callie, but running from me is not the answer.”

“Move, Daisy.” My face portrays my mood. “I won’t ask you twice.” To my utter astonishment, she backs up to the door and slides down to the floor completely blocking the way out. I will have to physically remove her if I want to leave.

“If you want me to move, you will have to make me.” God, she’s so fucking stubborn sometimes. “I will get rid of the laptop and phone, but I can’t tell you what I do, Callie. That’s for both our safety.” Is this a ploy? Is she giving me just enough to keep me fooled? Shit, what should I do? I won’t manhandle her, so if she won’t move I need to wait her out. “Pass me my laptop,” she says.

“Get it yourself.”

“So you can dash out the door. I don’t think so, Cal. You want me to destroy it, you can pass it to me.” She’s pigheaded and stubborn as a mule. I might as well do it because I have a feeling she’s not moving anytime soon. As soon as I hand it to her, she starts tapping away. “I’ve transferred the stuff I need to my vault. Now I’ll ghost the drive. If theyaretracking it or my phone, we can use that to help us escape further detection.”

“You want to use them as decoys?” I hate that she is suggesting something I think is a good plan.

“Yes, let’s send them to Timbuktu or somewhere, I don’t know.”

“Or we could just leave them here, hidden.”

“Wouldn’t it be better for them to still think they are onto us?” She has a point. I agree and formulate a plan to get the laptop and phone as far away from us as possible.

Daisy still hasn’t moved from the door. I wonder if she’s going to sleep there all night. My anger is ebbing away and I regret some of the things I said. How can I apologise though when a small part of me still thinks it’s true?

“When this is over, we’re going to have a talk about everything you said to me,” Daisy signs furiously. She’s hurt, I can see that, but I don’t know if I can trust it.

“Okay.” That’s my brilliant answer. I go into the bathroom and shut the door. I need space. The water is scalding, and it’s just what I need. I hate that my head is so fucked up. Just yesterday I wasalmosthappy, content even. Daisy was with me and we were travelling through Europe. Okay, not under the finest of circumstances, but it’s as close to normal as I’ve felt in years.

Has this life broken me? Am I always going to be looking over my shoulder, questioning the people around me? That’s no way to live, and that’s not something I want to subject Daisy to. God, I’m back to being a right fucking melt.Jesus, Callie, get a fucking grip! You’re alive and you’re healthy. Find a silver lining for Christ’s sakes.

I walk into the bedroom stark naked. Daisy does a double take and looks me up and down. She wants me and I’m pissed that I want her. Finally, she looks away and sighs. “Are you going to leave if I have a shower?”

“No.” I’m not lying. My heart won’t let me leave, not now the initial shock and anger have dissolved. I’m just tired and confused. Daisy nods, stands and goes to the bathroom. I find a set of clean clothes to wear. It’s the afternoon and we have plenty of daylight left. Ideally, we would nip out and see the sights, but that’s out of the question.

Copenhagen is waiting. We have to get there, but the train is out. The only option is to get a car again. Do we leave immediately or wait until tomorrow? Indecisiveness is not a problem I usually suffer with, saying that though, this is the first time I’ve been so close to being caught. I’m questioning everything.

“Hey,” Daisy’s voice shakes me out of my head.

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