Page 14 of Delayed in Venice

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“You must,” she says, ushering me behind an antique-wood room divider and helping me out of my layers.

“Should I wear a shirt underneath?” I ask.

“No. Not for when you’re going to Lussuria. Do you have a formal jacket?” she asks.

“Yes, Jon packed us both a suit for a fancy dinner in Rome,” I explain.

“Just wear the jacket over the corset until you get to the club; there, you have to show off your beauty.”

“Babe,” I hear Jon call. “You’re killing me here.”

“You’ll have to wait for the total package tonight… Sir.” I tease him.

From the corner of my eye, I see Maria’s mouth open and feel a firm grip on my hip before I’m turned around. Maria quickly exits the room, leaving us alone.

“Do you like it?” I ask, looking at him, smirking. I love it when he becomes possessive.

Jon steps back and looks at the corset moulded to my hips and abdomen, creating a deep V between my pecks. He tugs me back against his hard chest, and I feel his erection through our jeans, showing me exactly what he thinks about the corset.

“I want to fuck you so hard right now. I want to lean you over the display case and make you beg for my cum.” I shiver in his arms, and he whispers, “You better be ready for a long, hard fucking tonight, my Prince.”



Seeing David walking towards me on our wedding day was one of the moments in my life I will never forget… but neither is the one when he finally stepped out of the bathroom, his hair sleeked back and curling at his nape, the mask highlighting his features, and the corset moulding to his perfect physique—he has never looked sexier—and he knows it.

David’s confidence is shining from his very pores. He knows that he is so fuckable in that outfit and that every man and surely every woman at the club tonight will want to be with him—but they won’t. They’ll have to be content with looking because he is mine.

He is mine, from the golden collar around his neck to the wedding band on his finger.

Tonight, I will claim him not in front of our friends and family but before the Contessa, the Domme who challenged me, who triggered my jealousy. I will claim my submissive and cement our love and commitment deeper, opening a door to our sex life that we had never thought to open… but one I am looking forward to walking through.

Where David is the light, I am the shadow. Wearing my formal black suit, black silk shirt, and a tie made from the same material as his corset, everyone will know we are together. Our masks are both only covering our eyes with intricate gold scrolling, and I, too, have never felt so handsome in my life.

I feel proud. Proud of David for trusting me in every situation we find ourselves in. Proud of us for going after something new, adventurous, and sexy. I am proud of myself for coming to terms with my insecurities, trusting David as much as he trusts me and finding confidence in his love for me.

The water taxi’s engine is quiet, merely a whisper as we navigate the waterways deeper into Venice than we did on the gondola. There are two other couples with us in the taxi, but no one speaks. We are in our own small bubble, sailing underneath bridges and past beautiful buildings and churches. The stonework appears more blue and cold at night, whereas I know tomorrow, when the sun shines on their facades, they’ll be warm again.

I expect to hear music or see lights as we near the club, but the taxi docks underneath a bridge, where an old heavy-oak door is concealed.

It opens when the first couple steps with the boat, and they are allowed through. David and I are the last to disembark, and we’re stopped at the door by a tall woman wearing an elegant volto barocco mask covering her whole face and a slim-fitting black dress.

“Avete un invito, signori?” she asks, her voice muffled by the mask.

Invito must mean invitation, and I reach into my suit jacket and hand her the dark-coloured envelope.

“Grazie, signore,” she says, letting up pass. I don’t know what I expected: a dank dungeon, a neon strip club, a lounge filled with writing, orgasmic bodies… but this wasn’t it. The walls of the hallway are covered in golden lights, casting a warm glow over the stone slabs leading towards a room.

“Babe… this place is something else! I don’t think I’ve ever seen an entrance this magnificent. I need Greg to design us a house so we can have an entrance like this one day, okay?” David rambles as I lead him towards the room ahead of us.

As we near it, I hear deep, slow, and sultry bass flowing from the door, but before we enter the exciting unknown, I pull David aside, tip his chip up and lock our gazes. His blue eyes are clear and filled with nervous excitement, and he bites his lip, looking at me.

“If you want to leave at any moment, for whatever reason, you let me know immediately. I want you to promise me you’ll let me know if you’re uncomfortable.” I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows and nods. He was rambling because he’s nervous. So am I.

“As long as you do the same, Sir,” he says, slipping his hand underneath my jacket and clutching my hip.

“I will, my Prince. I promise,” I say, smiling and lean down to kiss his soft lips. “Let’s wish your Contessa a happy birthday,” I say as we enter the room.
