Page 13 of Delayed in Venice

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“This is our VIP section, please take a look around, and I will send Maria in shortly,” the woman says quickly before retreating.

Where the store in the front is crowded with merchandise, this room only houses a few masks in the same style as the front, but the finish is exquisite and meticulous. Mannequins showcase the masks and elaborate dresses and suits, which must be for the Venice Carnival. The walls here are a warm orange, with windows overlooking the canal outside.

“Babe… where are we?” I ask, reaching behind me to take Jon’s hand.

“I have no idea, baby. But we’re not in Cape Town anymore,” he says, chuckling softly. “You’re sure you want to do this?” he asks, stepping behind me and circling my waist with his arms.

“I mean, it’s only a birthday party in an exotic setting. I don’t think something bad will happen to us. We won’t be forced to have sex if we don’t want to… right?” I don’t want to be forced to have sex, but… I don’t think I’ll mind having sex in front of people I don’t know and seeing others enjoying their sexuality,” I say quietly, wondering if he is doing this because I want to or because he does as well.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask. Jon didn’t like another dominant speaking to me, and now we’ll be in a club crawling with them.

“I’ll let Greg know where we’re going so that if he doesn’t hear from us tomorrow, he can organise a search and rescue, okay, baby?” Jon says, and I can hear the amusement in his words.

“I like their rules and that you can only gain access to the club by invitation. As long as you wear your collar, the other Doms will leave you alone. I did some reading online. They will only speak to you when I give them permission, and you are also only allowed to address them if they speak to you first. There are many rules. But I suspect Francesca knows we’re noobs,” he says, resting his head on mine. “After we get our masks, we need to find her a birthday present, don’t you think?”

“Absolutely. And I know just where I want to get it—”

“Mi scusi, for the wait, signori. I’m Maria. How may I help you?”

This must be Mario’s sister. They have the same green eyes, dark hair, and a quick smile with a dimple on their right cheek.

“Are you Mario’s twin?” I ask abruptly, and Jon pinches my side.

“Babe… you can’t just ask something like that—” Jon’s scorning is halted by Maria’s deep laugh.

“I am Mario’s twin. That’s very perceptive of you. Usually, people just assume we’re siblings.”

“You have the same eyes, dimple, and well… your names…”

“Mi mama will love this story when I tell her tonight. Now, gentleman, how can I help you. You must be special if Mario sent you,” she says, walking towards the dark wood and glass display case in the middle of the room.

Jon hands over the card Mario gave him and says, “We were invited to Francesca Vero’s birthday party at her club.”

“To Lussuria?” she asks.

“Yes,” Jon replies. “We’re here on our honeymoon and can really use some help in preparing for tonight. That must be why your brother sent us.”

“A blank canvas… how luxurious,” she says, rubbing her hand together.

“You will both need a mask, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and then… something special…” she mumbles as she wanders around the room. “Is this your first time going to this type of club?” she asks, turning around, holding a half-face mask with intricate golden scrollwork. It’s stunning, beautifully masculine, and I hope she chose that one for me and not for Jon.

“Yes, it is,” Jon replies.

“Perfetto!” she says, approaching the display case, her enthusiasm contagious.

“It is quite an honour to be invited to Signora Vero’s club, and on her birthday, no less. She is a very private person. I’ve always wanted to go to the club… but you need an invitation, so I’ll live through you and help make your experience as good as it can be. This mask will be perfect for you, signore,” she says, holding it out to me.

“David. Call me David, please.”

“David,” she replies. “This mask will get you in the club but won’t hide your smile and gorgeous eyes. The golden scrollwork will complement your warm skin tone and hair. It will be striking. Then for your outfit… corsets. Si, Signore Vincento just delivered a new collection yesterday. Let me collect a few. Un momento per favore,” she says, hurrying from the room.

“She’s nice. And I agree with her that you have gorgeous eyes,” he says, leaning down and kissing my forehead before tugging me closer.

“I have it!” Maria says as she enters the room. A blood-red garment bag hanging over her arm. She strides towards a coat rack on the opposite side of the room, tugs down the zipper, and pulls out a midnight-blue and gold corset. It’s extraordinary, like nothing I’ve ever seen or thought to wear before.

“It’s beautiful,” I say, walking towards her. I run my hand over the material, it’s soft with the stiff structure of a corset, but the colour is unique. Gold brocade over a shimmering dark-blue fabric. Gold seams and ties at the back—I want to own it. I turn to look at Jon, and see him smiling and nodding his head. He knows me so well.

“Can I try it on?” I ask Maria.
