Page 60 of Stone King

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Though my hand was in Errol King’s as he congratulated me on my win, I could still hardly believe it. I’d come to think for certain that the whole thing was fixed, and that Axel would win no matter what.

But I’d won. I’d really won.

While I smiled and nodded at Errol King and his producer, I noticed Axel quietly slipping away.

Wait a minute. Did he think that I was just going to let the whole Chef Mac thing slide by?

I chatted with Errol King a few more moments, than left in search of Axel.

As I marched my way to his home, I thought about what I wanted to say to him. I wanted him to reinstate Chef Mac. There was no reason for him to be sent away. I was even willing to leave the school myself in exchange for bringing Mac back to his class.

By the time I reached Axel’s luxurious house, I was pumped and ready. I had all my points in line, and I was ready to throw them at him. His head was going to spin.

I rang the doorbell and patiently waited.

“Come on, Axel,” I said when he didn’t answer. “I know you’re in there. I saw you walk away from the competition tent with your tail between your legs.”

I rang again. Still nothing.

“Come out here and face me like a man,” I said a little louder.

When he still didn’t come, I banged on the door and was surprised to see it swing open. I poked my head inside.

“Axel?” I called out.

A strange groan and plaintive cry came from upstairs and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

“Axel?” I slowly entered the house and looked up at the second floor.

The plaintive cries grew louder. “No,” he called out. “Stop!”

Had someone broken into the house? Was he being attacked?

No. Axel was strong and athletic... and he wouldn’t be whimpering like this. His cries were strange, almost like those of a child.

I slowly made my way up the stairs where his voice was coming from and then spotted the open door to a bedroom. The cries intensified. But they weren’t cries of pain. They were cries of fear.
