Page 59 of Stone King

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Without saying anything, I watched Layla walk away, floating on a cloud of her victory.

With the huge tent almost empty, I finally felt the huge weight slip off my shoulders. I was able to stand tall and breathe.

I was tired. Exhausted. The past week had been more of a strain than I had anticipated. Dealing with Chef Mac had proven to be stressful. I’d hope to convince Layla to stop seeing him, but her refusal had forced my hand.

“Can I talk to you a minute, Chef Mac?” I had said as I’d entered his empty classroom.

He’d closed up his laptop and tucked it under his arm. “Actually, I was just on my way out.”

“It will just take a minute.”

He’d looked at me, his jaw tense and his eyes suspicious.

“What is it?”

“Look, you know that I like you. I admire and respect you.”

“Yeah, yeah, Axel. I’m sure you’re not keeping me from heading home just to tell me how much you like me. Spit it out.”

“We know you’ve been leading a double life, Mac,” I said.

His eyes widened in surprise, but he made no effort to deny it. He simply nodded.

“My father was very disappointed at this discovery.”

“I’m sure he was,” Mac said. “I’ll admit that I am a little surprised that he was able to learn of this.”

“Yeah,” I said. I hated what I had to do. I hated even more the thought of Layla’s reaction. She hated me already, but now she was going to detest me with a vengeance.

We’d remained silent for a long time, both pensive.

Then Mac looked around his classroom. “Does this mean that...?”

I nodded. “You have to go. This will be your last day in this classroom and we’ll give you until noon tomorrow to vacate the house.”

He’d pulled in a long and tired breath. “I see.”

“I suggest you go and see the dean right away.”

He’d nodded and I had left him then.

Now, with Mac gone and Layla taking the whole competition, I had to find a way to make her understand my actions. As difficult as it would be, I had to try.

In the distance I saw her, beaming with pride all while displaying a humble blush. She was spectacular. My father and his producer were speaking to her. She smiled, blushed deeper and seemed truly flushed by their comments.

“You deserve it, Layla,” I whispered. “You deserve it all.”

A wave of intense fatigue swept over me and while good manners would have dictated that I go speak with my father, I turned and left. The heat was getting to me. The stress of it all...

I hurried home, eager to get to my bedroom, to my bed. With every step I took, all I could think about was going to sleep.

I made it home, my limbs shaking violently. I had just enough time to throw myself onto my bed.

And I was out.

Chapter 18
