Page 6 of Stone King

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“Room 205,” I said. “That means that we’re on the second floor.”

I turned to my left and found the staircase that led to the second level. Turning down the hall, we came to our room.

“Here goes nothing,” Kat said as she pulled out her key and unlocked the door.

We both gasped as she pushed the door opened.

“Oh, wow,” I let out.

Large planks of beautiful wood covered the floor. The white furniture was modern, but warm and inviting. A quick glance at the kitchen told me that it was indeed modern and inviting.

“Look at the view out of this window,” Kat said as she hurried to the large, six foot high window.

Leaving my suitcase at the door, I went to her and looked outside. It was mesmerizing. The flowers, the fountains and the winding walkways made for a beautiful design that I knew I would never tire of.

Kat and I both turned at the same time to take a look at our new home.

“Look at that kitchen.”

I nodded as I looked at the modern appliances and ample counter space. “I guess we’ll have a lot of room to practice recipes in here.”

“And invite guests,” Kat said. “Look at the living space. This is gorgeous.” She ran her hand over the back of the white leather sofa, then turned on one of the lamps. After looking at the glow through the lampshade a moment, she turned it off.

“So, now is the big question,” I said. “What are the bedrooms like?”

There was a closed door on either side of the large living space.

“Okay,” Kat said with a mischievous grin. “You look in that room and I’ll look in this one.”

I put my hand on the doorknob to the door. “On three,” I said, feeling playful and giddy. “One, two... three.”

We both opened the doors and squealed.

“Oh, my God,” Kat shouted.

I silently echoed the sentiment.

The door that I’d opened led to a huge bedroom, all done in bright pinks, magenta and orange. Every piece of furniture was painted white, and a set of French doors opened into a huge walk in closet.

In the closet, a dozen black chef’s jackets were hung. Awed by them, I walked into the closet and fingered the thick fabric, eager to wear them.

“This is wild!” I heard from a distance.

But still I was entranced by the jackets that I would be wearing for the next months.

“Layla?” Kat said coming into the room. “My room is nuts. Oh, wow. Yours is, too. Hey, where are you?”

“In here,” I said.

She walked in and found me, still touching the jackets.

“Hmph,” she let out, understanding my suddenly quiet demeanor. “Me, too. Cool, isn’t it?”

“They thought of everything,” I said quietly.

“Hey,” she said. “I mean. I didn’t mean to pick rooms without discussing it with you or anything. The other room is the same, only it’s done in purple, hot pink and blue.”

I looked at her and smiled. “I like this room.”
