Page 5 of Stone King

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And with that, I turned to get my dorm key from Mrs. Brighton who was as red as a beet. I glanced at Kat, nodded and started to walk away.

“A scholarship. Right,” he shouted out to me. “I should have figured. And who did you have to fuck to ‘merit’ a scholarship to this establishment?”

I huffed with fury and humiliation.

“Just ignore him,” Kat said as she tugged at my arm.

But, no. That was impossible. I turned back and stomped my way back to him, the heels of my sandals clicking loudly with every step. There were no words. There was no need for words. Facing his smug and arrogant expression, I swung back and struck him so hard, his head whipped back.

With my hand stinging so bad I was certain it was bleeding, I turned back to join Kat and walk out of the administration building.

“You’ll regret the day you set foot on this campus,” Axel shouted as the door closed behind me.

“Damn,” Kat said as we walked on. “Don’t take offense, but... wow. You’ve got balls.”

“Yeah,” I said, not sure I’d done the right thing. I’d allowed my anger to get the better of me. Not the best idea in the world.

“You hear me, you hick,” Axel said as he stormed out of the building and perched on the top step.

I didn’t look back.

“From this day forward,” he went on. “Your life will be a living hell!”

Chapter 3

“This is so unexpected,” I said to Kat as we headed to the dorms. “It’s like walking onto the grounds of a lavish home with everything so beautiful and well-kept.”

Huge trees rose high into the air, their thick and dense canopy offering cool shade from the intense sun. Flowering bushes dotted the landscape as well as pleasing flower beds that brought bright pops of red, orange, yellow and white to the otherwise green backdrop.

Kat looked around and nodded. “I had heard that the academy was in a beautiful setting. But this is really... wow.”

We passed in front of Dorm A, a beautiful three story building with tall columns and generous balconies. The entrance was flanked by two elegantly trimmed topiaries that added charm and whimsy to the building.

Next came Dorm B. The two story structure was built of old stones and had an interesting architectural appeal. The main entrance looked like the entryway to a horse stable, with two wide wooden doors. Painted black, they were in dramatic contrast to the pale gray stones of the building.

Old style lanterns hung between every window and the balconies were adorned with the intricate designs of the wrought iron railings.

“I love the charm of the place,” I said as I looked at all the attention to detail in virtually every aspect of the buildings.

“Apparently, this whole place was once owned by a railroad baron. What we now call the administrative building was their mansion.” She pointed to the Dorm B building. “That was once their stables. I don’t believe they actually had a horse and buggy for transportation, but I think they just enjoyed breeding and riding horses. Apparently it’s been updated and refurbished and now has huge loft-like dorms for the richer among us.”

We arrived at Dorm C. The smaller, two story wooden structure was absolute enchanting. White shutters flanked every window that were also enhanced with flower boxes overflowing with bright, colorful blooms.

The gabled roof was adorned with gingerbread that was charming and gave the building a cozy and homey feel.

“I guess this is us,” Kat said.

“I love it,” I said. “I feel like I’ve suddenly been transported to old world England, or Scotland. Like a fairy tale.”

“Let’s hope that the fairy tale continues on the inside.”

She reached the door and pulled it open, holding it for me.

“Thanks,” I said with a smile as I pulled my pink suitcase inside the cool corridor.

The old world charm continued inside the building, but with added touches of elegance and modern convenience.

The high ceiling was dotted with numerous light fixtures that offered the space a warm glow.
