Page 37 of Stone King

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He was so handsome, and so sexy, the few other girls in the competition couldn’t take their eyes off of him.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I slowly walked over to him, eager to have a word.

“Hello, Axel,” I said, friendly and smiling.

“Hi,” he said, colder than an icicle in January.

“Um,” I said, suddenly fearful of his reaction. “I was just wondering... the other day. I thought... Well, I was thinking of you and how you were doing.”

“Fine,” he said bluntly, barely glancing my way.

“I thought that maybe, since you hurried...”

He turned such a cold and impenetrable glare my way, my words stuck in my throat.

“I’m busy here,” he said. “If you don’t have anything pertinent to say, walk away.”

The sudden sting of tears came to my eyes, but damn if I was going to allow him to see them.

I glanced briefly at the man he’d been talking to, then turned to walk away. I’d just reached the edge of the large tent when I felt a presence behind me.

I turned to see him there, looking so irresistible, I wanted to reach up and caress his cheek. He’d come after me. Perhaps in front of the coordinator he hadn’t wanted to say much. A smile crept over my lips.

“It shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that it was a mistake,” he said with a completely lack of warmth or affection.

I shook my head, trying to make sense of what he’d said.

“Watch yourself, hick,” he went on.

I could feel the blood drain from my face with every word that came past his lips.

“Watch your back,” he said. “Everyone here knows that you don’t belong at this prestigious academy, much less this competition. It’s time you turned around and went home, little girl.”

But... we made love, I wanted to say. You hugged me, you kissed me and you loved me. I was there. I saw the look in your eyes. I felt the affection in your touch. You loved me. Tell me that you loved me.

“You need to pack up your fake Gucci and head home,” he said. “If you can’t see that, then I’m going to do everything I can to make you see it. You need to leave. The sooner the better. Got it?”

I stared at him in disbelief. How could he have been so warm and so hot with me just a few days earlier and now be so incredibly cold.

The realization struck me. He’d simply been playing with me. He was simply toying with my emotions. Damn, was he even truly a virgin or had that all been part of the game, too. Had it just been a little trick to make me feel special.

Damn it.

I’d been so eager for his touch that I’d let myself fall for it.

As hurt as I was, I looked up into his cool, cool eyes. If he thought that he was going to be able to force me out of this competition, he had another thing coming.

I was there and I was there to stay.

“Afraid of a little competition?” I managed to say.

“Not at all,” he said.

I smiled, sweet, innocent, alluring and finally, menacing. “You should be,” I whispered. “I’m going to whip your pampered ass.”

“If everyone will settled in at their workstations,” the master of ceremonies called out, “we’ll get started with the first round of the competition.”

Without looking at Axel, I made my way to my station and didn’t even look at him when he came up to his.
