Page 36 of Stone King

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Hmmm, I thought pensively. He’d been a virgin up to that point. And I was the one he’d chosen to lose his virginity to. I wasn’t sure what to make of that.

As we’d held onto each other, letting our powerful orgasms subside, I’d had so many questions to ask him; so much that I wanted to know about him and why he’d been so mean to me. I had him in my arms, and I wanted to hold him to me and never let go.

But, let go I did. I had no choice.

As suddenly as he’d pulled me into that room, he’d suddenly disentangled himself from me and stood.

“Axel,” I began as I reached for him, willing him to stay. “I thought that...”

He grabbed my hands, gripped them tightly a second, then threw them into my lap as he stood, got dressed and quickly walked out.

“But...” I said into the empty room.

Confused, I’d sat and stared into the room. All alone in the room, I had tried to make sense of what had just happened.

Was he embarrassed by the unexpected loss of his virginity? Was he embarrassed that it’d been with me?

“Damn it, Axel,” I’d said aloud. “Why are you doing this to me?”

I’d begun to think that we had a special connection. Why else would he allow himself to lose his virginity with me? It had to be special. I had to be special.

Didn’t I?

Those moments, wrapped in his arms, I’d felt his heart beating against my breasts. I’d felt his warmth and his tenderness and his masculine need. In his arms, I’d allowed myself to consider romantic feelings for him, to open my heart to him. There was so much about him that I wanted to know.

But now, we were right back where we’d started, with him hating me and me not understanding why. I was the hick from the country and he was the school prince whom everyone looked up to.

Over the course of the next few days after my time with him, I didn’t hear a word from him. He made no attempt to contact me and I was at a loss as to why.

Then, the following week, I made my way down to the large tent that had been set up on the campus grounds for the big culinary competition.

I was professionally dressed as I walked there. I wore straight white cotton slacks with my black chef’s jacket. My hair was pulled back into a smooth and simple ponytail.

Today, it wasn’t my beauty that was to be judged, it was my talent; my absolute skills in the kitchen, and my instincts when it came to flavors.

As I walked on, I knew there was a good chance that’d I’d see Axel there. After all, Chef Mac had said that Axel always took part in the competitions.

Apprehensive about seeing him again and excited about the completion, I entered the large tent and looked around.

They’d done a beautiful job of setting up twelve workstations with added equipment set up along the back that the contestants would have to share.

A few of the contestants were already there, reading over their notes, their recipes. Aside from one girl who was in one of my classes, I knew none of the participants. They were all older students in their second or third year at the academy.

Then I noticed the station with my name on it. Interesting. I had one of the stations that was right up front. Right in front of where the judges would be seated at a long table facing us.

But more interesting than that was the name tag at the station beside me.

Axel King.

My heart fluttered. Had he deliberately set it up so that we would be working side by side? Was this his way of slowly reconnecting with me?

I looked around and finally saw him standing in the far corner beside the large fresh produce stand that the competitors would all have access to.

He was talking with one of the coordinators, nodding as he listened and frowning as he spoke. Then he looked up and caught my gaze.

The frown deepened, but only after his eyes lit up for the briefest of moments.

Damn, he looked good. It was the first time I’d seen him in his black chef’s jacket and he was a sight to see. His confidence level seemed to be at an all time high, adding his appeal.
