Page 32 of Stone King

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The sight only added to my burning hunger for him.

The endless hour finally came to an end and the students took their leave. I didn’t need to have Chef Mac ask me to stay. I’d come to that decision the moment I’d stepped into the class.

I stood and remained beside my desk, while his gaze darted from me to the door and back to me. The moment the last student was out the door, he came around his desk and up my row.

His steps were strong and determined as he came to me, reaching out to pull me to him and kiss me with unhindered passion.

His hands quickly went up my skirt, grabbing my ass as he kissed his way down my neck and into the top of my tank top. He quickly nudged the fabric aside with his tongue, finding an aching nipple and expertly suckling on it until I thought I was going to have an orgasm right then and there.

I let out a loud groan as I melted into his arms. He brought his lips back to mine, plundering my mouth with his tongue.

In the distance, through the thick fog of arousal, I heard a sound. A portion of my conscience told me that we were no longer alone, but the pleasure being brought to my body was stronger than any warning sign.

The sound became louder, more insistent and demanding of attention. I wanted to continue to ignore it, but when I heard a loud cough, I knew that I couldn’t ignore it any longer.

I pulled away from Chef Mac who seemed to not have heard the sounds at all. He continued to kiss my neck as I looked around. At first I saw nothing, but as I shifted Mac around and looked over his shoulder, I finally spotted the intruder.

Axel stood there, in the doorway, his eyes both confused and angry. For several seconds, he stood there looking at me. His lips parted as if to say something, but he quickly shut his mouth and simply turned around and stormed out.

Chapter 10


I realized that I’d stood at Chef Mac’s door for far too long. The moment that I saw him with Layla in his arms, I should have turned and walked away.

But I was frozen in place, unable to believe what my eyes were telling me. Part of me was aroused by the sight of the older man taking such tender care of Layla, tending to her body the way any woman would want to be tended to. He grasped her firm round breast in his hand, kneading the mound with hunger all while grabbing her ass with his other hand.

Although the skirt Layla wore partially obscured my vision, I could tell that Mac was in deep, his hand well up there, digging for more.

And Layla loved it.

My hard-on annoyed me. The sight of her shouldn’t affect me in such a way. And the sight of her in that older teacher’s arms should affect me even less. Shit, if she wanted to have it with an old man, that was her business. If she preferred an old dick to a firm young one...

Hell, who was I kidding?

Chef Mac was loved by all the students. He could quite literally have any girl on campus, and I knew for a fact that there were a number of guys who would enjoy spending some time with him as well.
