Page 31 of Stone King

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At least, that was my intention.

To my surprise, my early arrival went unnoticed as did my very presence. He didn’t gaze at me, notice me, gawk at me or address me in any way.

For the first time, I saw him as a true professional, teaching and acting like a mature adult as he spoke to the class. He was eloquent and articulate, precise and interesting. But as the class wore on and he didn’t make the slightest attempt at making eye contact with me, I grew increasingly irritated.


I had no idea. I should have been relieved. I should have been happy to just go to my class and be treated just like all the other students.

Yet, that wasn’t the case. That wasn’t the case at all. As the minutes ticked by and he continued to ignore me, I grew more and more agitated and sought some way of getting his attention.

The class came to an end without incident, and I left feeling strangely empty and hollow.

It didn’t make sense and I tried not to dwell on it. But as I made my way back to my dorm room and found Kat there, I had to bring it up.

“Axel is just out and out ignoring me,” I said as I threw myself onto the sofa. “What’s up with that?”

Kat shrugged as she came to sit in the armchair across from me. “Who knows what goes on in a King’s head?”

“Are you having any issues with Kobe?”

“Oh, please,” Kat said with a wave of her hand. “I’d just as soon never hear his name again. The guy is really such a jerk.”

I looked at her, surprised. “Really? Is it that bad?”

She shrugged.

“You’d tell me if he was pushing you around, wouldn’t you?”

Again, she shrugged.

I had noticed how Kobe just so happened to be at the cafeteria every lunch hour when we stopped in. I had also noticed how Axel, on the other hand, was never there.


In addition to ignoring me in class, was he actively avoiding me at the cafeteria?

Damn it.

I should be relieved to never see him again, but this only added to my frustration.

And, again, I couldn’t understand why.

But I finally managed to put Axel completely out of my mind when, at the end of the long week, I headed to my World of Spice class.

Yes. I was finally going to see Chef Mac again after four tortured days of not seeing him at all.

The moment I walked into the class, I could tell that our time apart had affected him as it had me. We were eager to be together again, eager to spend time with each other.

That made sitting through the class almost impossible. It was a good thing that he was tutoring me in private, because I did not absorb a single thing he said in that class.

All I could think of were his hands on my hips, his lips on my neck, his dick up my ass.

Oh, my God.

I crossed and uncrossed my legs, desperately trying to calm my aching pussy that just wanted to be alone with him.

When he turned away from the blackboard and looked out over the class, I thought I discerned a slight bulge in his pale gray slacks.
