Page 59 of The Crush

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“Brenda,” he said in a choked voice, thinking he should warn her that he was about to freaking explode. But she didn’t seem worried.

“Come onto my stomach,” she murmured. “It’s okay. Unless you have a condom?”

Maybe it was hearing her say the word “come.” Or maybe it was the sheer intoxication of the way she fisted him. Or the moonlight, or her naked body splayed out under him, or the sound of her voice, or everything woven together into one magical shimmer of desire. Whatever it was, it didn’t take any time at all until he was pumping into her hand. The relief was so intense he could have cried. He’d been wanting her for so long, and he still did. He wanted to be inside her, feel her soft heat surround him.

But for now, lord, how he’d needed that climax.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “I have condoms in the bathroom. I just didn’t…”

Have any self-control. Embarrassing.

“It’s okay. I get it. It was perfect.” She rolled off the bed and looked around. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“It’s in the garage. I mean, it’s an addition. I built it onto this house when I bought it because all it had was an outhouse.”

“And you have to go outside to get to it?”

“No, there’s another way, it’s just blocked right now because I’ve been hauling out my canoes for the winter.” He climbed out of bed too and brought her a blanket to put around her shoulders. “I’ll take you there.”

She shrugged off the protection of the blanket. “I’m not cold. I’m steaming hot.”

Yes, she was.

He led her out of the house and around to the addition, which was part storage and part bathroom. The night was warm for this time of year, and she spread her arms wide as she gazed up at the moon. “I’m walking outside, naked. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.”

“Stick with me,” he said dryly. “You’ll end up doing all kinds of shit you never did before. For good or for bad.” He watched the wind play with her hair. Her beauty in the light of the moon made him stagger.

“I’d say it’s all good so far.” She twirled around, her bare feet pale flashes against his browning yard.

“Might want to wait until you see the bathroom.”

“Honey bucket?”

“Not any more. I got the toilet put in last year.” He ushered her into the addition and pointed her toward the bathroom.

“Just my luck, then. I do enjoy indoor plumbing. I hope that doesn’t make me too boring and suburban?” She tossed her auburn hair over her bare shoulders. Why had he ever thought she might be shy or reserved? She was completely unbothered by the fact that she was naked. So was he, for that matter. She didn’t seem to mind that either.

They took turns cleaning up in the bathroom. By the time they were done, they’d both chilled down, so they took the return trip at a run. They were laughing and panting by the time they dove back into his bed.

“How is this bed so amazingly comfortable?” she demanded.

“I like comfort when I’m home. Makes a nice change.” He wrapped his arms around her and snuggled her next to him in a bear hug. “I’m glad you like it.”

You can stay every night if you like.

She melted against him and he closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of her hair and skin, the faint trace of his hand soap, the lingering hint of fresh air. Had any moment in the history of Galen Cooper been so filled with unexpected happiness? His heart swelled until he thought it might burst.

Brenda was so quiet that he figured she’d fallen asleep, but after a moment she spoke.

“I think you should know something.”


“I’m not what you think I am.”


That statement had come out much more dramatically than Brenda had intended. She felt Galen shift next to her.
