Page 58 of The Crush

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He drew down the zipper on the back of her dress, watching inch after inch of gold-sprinkled skin appear. The only light in the room was from the moon, but it was nearly full and seemed to caress her skin and hair like a lover.

She helped him pull off her dress. Down to bra and panties, she lay face down on the bed.

“You know I’ve already seen you naked,” he reminded her. “Might as well take it all off.”

She nodded, and he unsnapped her bra from the back. When she lifted herself up to extricate her arms, he caught the shadow of her breasts.

Get a grip.

“I’m just going to slide these off too,” he told her as he tugged on the waistband of her panties. The elastic had left marks on her skin, and he bent to kiss them as he pulled her underwear all the way off.

He wanted to bite the perfect globes of her ass. So lush, so juicy. But he couldn’t forget his task. He wanted to chase the sadness away, make her feel good, appreciated, glorious. Slowly, thoroughly, he worked the tight muscles along her spine, the tendons between neck and shoulder, her hips, her butt, even all the way down her legs. As he massaged, he learned. He noticed when she responded, when she stilled, when she sighed.

She sighed a lot.

“I won’t remember my own name after this,” she murmured.

“As long as you remember mine,” he joked.

“Oh yeah. George? Glenn? Gollum?”

He chuckled as he moved her mass of hair away from her neck and focused on the tightness there. Under his fingers, he felt her body melt and relax. He savored the satiny curves of her waist, her ass, the sides of her breasts. His fingers itched to caress her there too, but he kept his focus on her back.

She spread her arms and legs wide, like a starfish. That brought his attention to the shadow between her thighs.

A full body massage was nice, but there was nothing like an orgasm to relieve tension.

He allowed his hand to smooth across her ass and trace the crease between it and her thigh. Before he went further, he paused. “How are you doing?”

“So good,” she said in a strangled, breathless voice. “Please don’t stop.”

“Don’t stop what I’m doing, or what I’m about to do?”

“That. Touch me. Touch my clit.”

Sounded like consent to him, if not something more like “command.” He dipped his fingers between her legs and found glorious wetness and heat. Sliding forward, he searched for the hard kernel of flesh where her desire was centered. She wriggled and adjusted her position to guide his fingers. He followed her unspoken guidance and delved further into her slick folds. When his thumb brushed against that nub, she gave a grateful cry. “Oh please, Galen. Please please,” she begged.

Oh yeah, she needed to come. And he needed to be the man who got her there.

Her flesh trembled as she raised her hips off the bed to give him better access to her sex. He gritted his teeth against the hot, wild rush of lust that shot through him. God, he wanted to be inside her. Maybe later. Maybe not. Right now, he wanted to give her an orgasm that would blow the top of her head off.

He used his palm to massage, to arouse, his fingers to squeeze and tease. Frantic moans came from her as he found the pace and friction level that worked for her. He lost himself in her movements, her responses, her cries, her sighs. Shifting, he spread his own body over hers, nestling his hard erection against her rear. He needed some contact or he was going to explode.

She exploded first, lurching forward so hard he fought to stay with her, to keep stroking, keep stoking her climax. She was loud, he discovered, blissfully loud, and he loved that. He loved hearing how much he’d pleasured her, loved hearing her cry of ecstasy simmer down as she floated back to earth.

She lay under him, still face down, gasping as she tried to recover. “Do you have any immediate neighbors?” she finally asked, sounding nervous.

“No. You can make all the sounds you want.”

“It’s…uh…a lot.”

Oh hell no. She’d better not get embarrassed by something he found so spectacular. “It’s great. Not a lot. A perfect amount. More would be fine too. Or less. Whatever. It’s good.”

She laughed and rolled over. “Are you okay?”

The problem was that he was so turned on he could hardly bear it, let alone form words that made sense. Could he slip into the bathroom and jack himself off? He didn’t want to assume that…

She wrapped one hand around his cock, and his thoughts obliterated themselves. Sweet relief…my God, the feel of her warm hand on his raging erection had to be the best thing he’d ever experienced in this lifetime.
