Page 82 of The Rebound

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“Sort of?” She made a face. “I don’t know. That’s the thing about rebounds. Sometimes people go back to where they started.”

“Good God, Holly.”

“Sorry.” His expression made her wince. “Can I start over?”

“Yes. Go back to the couch and meddle in someone else’s life. I don’t need your insipid teenage advice.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s a little harsh.”

“Sorry,” he said curtly. He didn’t want to talk to his sister. He wanted to go find a beer.

For the first time since he’d gotten home, he gave her a closer look. Her face was puffier than usual, her lashes clumped together as if she’d been crying. “What are you doing home?”

“Getting insulted by my brother.”

“I said I was sorry. Seriously, what’s up?”

“Nothing.” She tucked a wisp of hair behind her ears.

He frowned down at her. It wasn’t like Holly to keep secrets. “You’re really not going to tell me?”

“No.” A flat no, just a single solitary word. Wow. Very unlike Holly, who usually had a thousand words to say when one would do. “Just some insipid teenage stuff,” she muttered finally.

“Oh for fuck’s sake. How many times do I have to apologize?”

“Doesn’t matter how many if you don’t mean it.”

“Good one, did you hear that on a podcast or on TikTok?”

She flounced away from him, shooting him the finger as she went.


She hadn’t deserved that. He wasn’t fit company for anyone right now.

He gave up on his kitchen and decided to find a beer somewhere else. Anywhere but the Blue Drake. If there was one thing he really couldn’t handle right now, it would be the sight of Kendra with Dominic.


When Kendra woke up, she was wrapped in warm male arms. Where had Jason come from? A moment later she sniffed and then jerked upright. Armani aftershave. Dominic.

He grinned at her from the passenger seat. She’d fallen asleep in her damn car and he’d slid inside and repositioned her against his chest.

She shoved away from him. “Goddamn, Dom. Get off me. What the hell?”

“I thought you needed the sleep,” he said innocently.

“Don’t ever do that again.”

“Sorry.” He lifted his hands in a surrender gesture. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

She looked out the window of her car. It was almost dark outside, and the flow of tourists had ebbed. “What time is it?”

“Dinnertime. Are you hungry?”

Hell yes, she was starving. Her stomach actually growled. “Yes, but we probably missed our chance to get a table at the Loon Feather. It’s busy this time of year.”

“You leave that to me.”
