Page 72 of Knight's Seduction

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“Speaking of excitement, what’s the plan when we get home? Are you thinking your place or mine?” Her tone dropped to a low, husky vibrato, and she felt a thrill at the smoldering heat shining in the eyes he pierced her with.

“I say we start at one and end up at the other. You know, just to be fair.”

She grinned as she turned back to stare out the window. “That’s why I love you, Brennan.”

“I love you right back, Gennessey.”


A typical barbecue hosted by Tristin and Kat Knight took place at their fortress of a home, built by Tristin when he was a bachelor in preparation for the day he would have a family. Knowing the riskiness of his job as founder of Knight Security and Investigations, he fortified his home to protect his family from any potential blowback from the cases he worked on.

Even with the heightened security, Tristin and Kat made their home a place of refuge for their KSI family. They may have stepped back from the business to take on more of a consultant role, but they still hosted the KSI employees for barbecues which had become a tradition. It wasn’t unusual for their backyard to be alive with people talking and laughing, playing football or volleyball on the lawn, or eating everything from burgers to brisket to steaks fresh from the grill.

Because their work seemed never-ending, Gennessey couldn’t recall the last time the entire company had gathered for a KSI barbecue. Usually, one team or the other was away on an op, or some of the investigators were providing security. Today, on this sunny, fall afternoon, all the teams, investigators, their families and a few extras showed up for an afternoon and evening of fun.

After the games were played and the food consumed, a fire was started in the backyard pit. The adults and teenagers occupied chairs around the fire. The younger kids were piled up on blankets to watch an outdoor movie projecting on the side of the garage.

The scene was tranquil, and Gennessey loved the camaraderie surrounding her. She looked down at her hand holding onto BB’s, their fingers intertwined. She smiled as happiness flooded her.

“Well, I guess this is as good a time as any.”

Gennessey raised her head in surprise. Zane Wilder commanded everyone’s attention, not because of his cryptic statement but because of how rare it was for him to speak. Zane stood behind his girlfriend’s chair, his hands resting on Bridget’s shoulders. She covered them with her own as she smiled at her nephew seated beside her.

Since the death of her sister and brother-in-law, Bridget had taken in her nephew, Mathias, and her niece, Marlowe, who was watching the movie with the other kids. Their small family had cemented their place in the KSI family well before she and Zane became a couple. Mathias was in college now, and Marlowe was navigating her high school as a young mechanical genius in a STEM program for honor students.

“Bridget and I wanted to share our news with all of you. We’re expecting a baby — a boy due in April.”

Squeals and shouts of congratulations rose up from the group, but Bridget held up a hand to silence them. “And,” she drawled out loud enough to be heard over the din. “Zane and I are getting married. You’re all invited back here six weeks from today to watch us say I do.”

“That’s perfect!” exclaimed Hope, smiling as she looked over the group before resting a loving gaze on Brick.

The two were probably one of Gennessey’s favorite couples. A definite opposites-attract pairing, Brick and Hope defied the odds by loving each other for their differences and eccentricities. No one was surprised when they became engaged, nor were they surprised it was taking months for them to plan their wedding. Hope operated a bridal boutique, so weddings were her business.

Gennessey figured their wedding would be a huge affair, despite the fact such an elaborate wedding was out of Brick’s element.

“It’s perfect,” Brick continued, “because it gives us two weddings to celebrate.”

“You’ve finally set a date,” Gennessey called out her guess to the news they were hinting about.

“Actually, we don’t need to,” Hope said. “We’re already married.”

“As of ten o’clock this morning,” Brick announced.

This had everyone standing. The celebratory chaos had them stepping over each other as they congratulated the two couples, and even Mathias and Marlowe. It took several minutes for the group to calm down from their excitement. When they finally settled, it was to follow Kat’s suggestion to roast marshmallows and build s’mores.

Gennessey held her stick in the flame until her marshmallow charred to her satisfaction. She only took seconds to add it to graham crackers and top it with a chocolate bar before biting into the gooey deliciousness. She could feel the sticky mess on the skin around her lips, and she managed to laugh despite her mouth being full.

BB looked at her and chuckled before setting his own stick off to the side. His fingers brushed against her face before he leaned forward, his tongue snaking out to lick away the dessert from her lips.

“Delicious,” he murmured, his breath brushing against her skin.

“Get a room already.” Wings’ voice boomed across the yard, and everyone laughed.

BB dropped an arm around Gennessey’s shoulders and drew her close to his side. “If you insist.”

She nudged him in the side. “Not yet, Casanova. I’m having too much fun to leave yet.”

“Casanova?” He feigned a hurt look, and then he started to tickle her ribs.
