Page 71 of Knight's Seduction

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At one point, BB squeezed her hand as he glanced in her direction. “I’m guessing your mother took the time you two were getting coffee to find out why we were late to brunch?”

Gennessey chuckled. “You would be right, but when I told her how we spent the morning having white hot monkey sex at the hotel, all was forgiven.”

His head jerked around to face her, the hand guiding the steering wheel in the same way out of reflex. He gaped at her until he realized he’d driven his truck onto the road’s shoulder, making for a bumpy ride. He yanked the steering wheel to the left to get the wheels back on the road, but he cut his eyes between the road and her, incredulous. As hard as Gennessey tried to maintain a serious expression, a giggle slipped out.

BB relaxed and rolled his eyes. “You are a cruel woman, Gennessey Croft. I was starting to worry about your brothers and your father tracking me down to whoop my ass for taking advantage of you.”

She grinned. “No need to worry now, but if you ever screw up, your ass is fair game.”

“Duly noted.” He grimaced, but she felt it was more in fun than in fear.

“My family actually thinks you’re good for me. Apparently, there’s a spark in my eye when you’re around, or something to that effect. I don’t know if I believe my mom’s theory about that, but whatever.”

“Oh, there’s definitely a spark between us,” he drawled. “That’s why the monkey sex is so hot.”

She rolled her eyes. “Are you going to be making corny jokes all the way back home?”

“Corny jokes, or…horny jokes.” His eyebrows danced up and down, and she fought back a smile. She refused to laugh at his antics though she felt like laughing and kissing him and scooting closer to him and all the things girlfriends liked to do with their boyfriends. Yep, this trip had changed her, which was crazy since it had only lasted a weekend.

“You are unbelievable,” she told him dryly.

“Thank you, but that’s enough talk about the monkey sex.” His teasing grin fell away to a more serious expression. “Everything okay with your mom?”

“Yeah, I think so. She told me she was proud of me, and she apologized for making me feel like I was making mistakes with my life. But then she told me when you and I got married, we could settle in Millforth. She and Dad had some land we could build on, and it would be a nice place to raise a family. She wants to live close to her grandkids, you know.”

“Well, I guess it would be too much to expect her to make a complete change so suddenly. But she’s right to be proud. You’re an amazing woman, Gen. One I can’t wait to get to know even better.”

She couldn’t find the right words to thank him for the compliment, so she just squeezed his hand. “What do you think everyone at KSI is going to say about us?”

“They’ve already guessed. And from what Jay told me, they figured we’d end up together before we admitted it. I think his words were, it’s about damn time.”

Gennessey sat up straighter in her seat, shifting her body to face him. “Seriously? What is wrong with these people? Don’t they have better things to do than speculate about which of us is going to hook up? Most of them have their own significant others to think about.”

“True, but we still have a lot of single folks at KSI. There’s the Delta Team.”

Gennessey shook her head. “Nope. They’ve made a pact to stay single and focus on the job. They said with most of the Alpha Team married or engaged or living with someone, we needed a team to handle dangerous cases without worrying about leaving loved ones behind.”

“Okay. Then there’s Owen, Sam, and… Well, I guess that’s it,” he said.

“Well, we’ll have a new investigator eventually. If the person’s single, then that adds one more.”

“Investigator? What do you know that I don’t?”

Gennessey sighed. “If anyone asks, you have to pretend like you don’t know anything about this, but I think Isobel is going to move to Charlottesville to be near Egan. I can’t blame her. It’s not easy for him to move his practice to Grayson Cove, so it makes sense for her to be the one to relocate. The long-distance relationship thing must be hard.”

“Ah, I get it now.”

She stared at him curiously. “Now it’s your turn. What is it you know that I don’t?”

“I heard Jay and Tristin talking at the last barbecue we had at Tristin and Kat’s. They said something about possibly expanding the business to open satellite offices in other locations. Tristin wants to offer more job opportunities for veterans, and Jay likes the idea of having more staff, so we don’t have to turn down cases because we’re stretched thin as it is.”

“Wow. I thought it was an adjustment when Tristin stepped down as CEO and Jay took his place, but having multiple locations and more people? I know change is a part of life, but it’s a lot to take in. It sounds great, but it’s still…tough.”

BB nodded. “But if we got too comfortable with the way things are, life would be boring.”

She fell silent as she grew thoughtful. She studied his profile as she realized he was right. She didn’t want a boring life. That’s why she was always resistant to the plans her family had for her. And that’s why she was drawn to BB despite all her attempts to keep her distance. He and her job breathed life into her existence.

Changes may come, but she could face them. She wanted to face them. Whatever happened between her and BB, she felt it in her bones that it would be well worth the journey.
