Page 60 of Knight's Seduction

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Cole nodded. “We don’t have enough ear wigs to go around, so we’ll need to pair up.”

Gennessey shook her head. “My guys only need one. They can communicate with each other using their cell phones, and then Merrick can wear the ear wig and communicate with us. I can go without one.”

“You and BB are paired then. Don’t leave his side once we breech. Understood?”

She nodded. “Understood.”

“Do you have intel on possibly which rooms they’re occupying?”

She shook her head. “No. But I think Autumn only has one guarding over her, the one no one has seen much of. If we take him down first before he can alert the others, we can get Autumn out of there and let the authorities take down the others. She’s the priority. I’m not looking to create a mob war or add another feather in our cap by taking down a mob boss.”

“Mob boss might be generous, considering our intel. Bannon may be affiliated with the Madden crime family, but it sounds too much like he’s acting on his own, likely trying to prove himself,” Cole theorized. “If we can get this right, we should be able to slip her out without him finding out. If there are any surprises and he guesses what we’re up to, this could get messy.”

“I know,” Gennessey said. “But I’m counting on the fact while they may be aware of me and what I do, but they haven’t connected the dots about what KSI is all about.”

“Likely not. Nothing we’ve done has put us on the Irish mob’s radar. That may change after today, but our focus is on Autumn and nothing else. Let’s get going. Team, get your gear. Merrick, Jasper and Mr. Crane, we’ll meet you there. Gennessey, lead the way.” Cole shouted out orders, and everyone jumped to respond.

Gennessey took a deep, calming breath and felt a hand on her shoulder. She tilted her head just enough to see BB standing behind her.

“You okay?”

She started to offer an empty assurance that she was fine, but she realized she couldn’t lie to him. “I will be. Right now, I’m focused on getting Autumn. It’s all I can think about until I know she’s safe.”

“Then let’s get her back.”


Gennessey glanced down to make sure the uniform and name tag she’d borrowed from the staff locker room were in place. Then she knocked on the door with her free hand while the other clutched a stack of towels close to her.

“Housekeeping. I have the clean towels you requested.”

She heard a voice on the other side of the door, but she couldn’t distinguish any of the words. There was no detectable movement or rustle to let her know someone would be opening the door. She knocked again.


“We didn’t request anything. Please go.” The voice was definitely feminine and definitely upset. Gennessey couldn’t be sure it belonged to Autumn, but her gut churned.

“Don’t you want your extra towels?”

“No! Just go!”

Gennessey had a moment of indecision. They discovered the room they believed Autumn to be in, but they had not been able to get a visual inside. She’d come up with the housekeeping ruse to get one, but when it didn’t work, she debated between walking away and busting her way inside.

She decided to try a different tactic. “Excuse me, but are you all right? Can I assist you in any way?”

“You really need to leave. It’s…It’s not safe.”

Gennessey gave a cursory glance around her to make sure no one was listening or watching. One of the doors a couple of rooms down opened, and Cole peered out. They hadn’t been able to get the room next door, but securing one on the same floor was good enough for her to have backup if she needed it. She nodded once in his direction before setting the towels to the floor.

“Autumn,” she called. “Autumn, it’s Gennessey. Are you alone?”

“Gennessey! Don’t come in! Just go. Leave me alone.”

“I just want to talk. I know who took you, and I know why. I can help. Can you let me in?”

“It’s not safe. Please trust me. You need to leave.”

“I only want this to end. If you’ll have whoever is in there with you to open the door, we can talk and settle this.”
