Page 59 of Knight's Seduction

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Chapter Twenty-Six

When it came to cases, BB was never one to question the plan or orders he was given. If his team leader said to move left, he moved left without needing to know why.

When Gennessey refused to explain how she found Autumn’s location until they rendezvoused with the rest of the team, he was surprised when curiosity burned within him. He wanted to know more. He wanted details. He wanted to discover the secrets and tricks she possessed to get the break they needed.

They had left the hotel out one of the side doors so they wouldn’t be waylaid by any of Gennessey’s family. She insisted he drive this time, and she continued with her phone calls, pausing long enough to provide directions to a destination he had yet to be read in on. She would end one call and immediately place another one before he could say a word.

From what he heard of her conversations, she checked in with Cohen to find out how he was and to give him an abbreviated update on the investigation. She then called a couple of family members to find out if Cohen actually was doing as well as he had told her he was. She made a call to someone who was to meet them at their destination — the place where teenagers used to drag race back in the day, or whatever the hell that meant.

The last call had to be to someone local, unrelated to the Alpha Team. Her brothers? The cops? One of her cousins? He hoped she wasn’t involving any civilians in the rescue. Jay would frown on the decision, and the situation would become dicier.

Somehow, she managed to time her calls where he had no chance to question her before they arrived at the tree lined overlook. The spot was used as a starting point for hikers taking the trails leading off in three different directions.

The rest of the team was there, but what caught BB off guard was the sight of Needham Crane, flanked on either side by Gennessey’s brothers, Merrick and Jasper.

He shot her a fierce look as he popped open the door. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

She returned his stare just as fiercely. “Trust me, Brennan.”

His name falling from her lips stopped his heart and sucked the very breath from his chest. “I do,” he managed. “With my life.”

“Good because I need you to play my boyfriend one more time.”

He held her gaze and ignored the curious stares they were getting from the others. “I got your six. But when this is over and everyone’s safe, we’re going to talk about taking the pretend out of my boyfriend status.”

Her gaze heated for just a moment, and then she schooled her features.

“Let’s go.” She stepped from the truck, and he hurried to do the same.

None of the others moved, but somehow BB felt surrounded as he and Gennessey walked up. They looked to her expectantly, and he could sympathize with how they felt. They weren’t used to going into a rescue this completely blind, especially when one of them possessed intel they hadn’t shared.

“What’s the play here, Gennessey?” Cole stepped into his role as team leader by starting the meeting, and he wasn’t one to waste time with needless conversation.

“There’s a hotel just two miles up the road. It’s called the Millery Inn. The building was once an old grain mill before two guys bought it and converted it into a hotel catering to families and young couple who come to the area for the outdoors — hiking, tubing, kayaking, etc. Autumn is being held there by Ryan Bannon, who has known ties to a new crime family, the Madden family. They’re making their mark as a formidable criminal mob enterprise.”

“And you know this how?” Wings crossed his beefy arms across his massive chest, an imposing figure to anyone who didn’t know him well.

“The Millforth grapevine.”

Needham grunted. “Better than any confidential informant you’ll find. The folks in this town are good people but are nosy heifers.”

BB could see most of them fighting back grins at the older man’s assessment.

“Mr. Needham’s right. I made a few phone calls based on a lead I got from him. Mr. Needham is the town’s unofficial protector, so he notices when things don’t seem right or when strangers come to town. Based on his intel, I found out Ryan Bannon came to town to track down Autumn. He used the gossipers in town to figure out who she was marrying and when. He learned her habits and her schedule. He stayed at a rental property at the edge of town while he was completing his research. Then he up and left the day before the wedding. Oddly enough, he checked into the Millery Inn on the same day that three more strangers showed up and checked into the hotel. One was a woman, and the other two men. One of the men was described as average with a slim build. The woman is Latina and attractive but not friendly. The third man wore dark glasses and a hat to obscure his face. He spoke to no one and hasn’t been seen since they checked in. They all requested rooms with quick access to the back parking lot.”

“How do you know Autumn is there?” Zane asked.

Gennessey took a deep breath before she continued. “Autumn was picked up from the hospital, but she went to my family’s hotel and got another car to drive out of town. The car was abandoned on a remote road which leads out of town. It’s not a highly traveled road because it’s not paved, but it’s a quick route to get to the inn. Autumn left us a clue in the abandoned vehicle to let us know she was taken by Ryan Bannon, who is apparently her half brother working against the family their father is set to testify against. I’m not sure of Bannon’s motives for holding Autumn, but her message leads me to believe she’s in danger.”

“What’s the plan?” Sam asked.

“We would tip them off if we drive up as a group in our vehicles. No one’s going to think twice if we leave our vehicles here. I thought we’d hike the remaining distance to the hotel, slip into one of the back doors and occupy the adjacent room next to where I think they’re holding Autumn. It’s going to take a coordinated effort to keep this contained, so innocent people at the hotel won’t get hurt.”

“And the coordinated effort involves civilians?” Wings questioned.

“Speak for yourself, son,” Needham grumbled, and the rest of them had to hide their smiles at seeing their teammate being schooled by an old man.

“Guys, meet Needham Crane, a decorated veteran who doesn’t miss or forget anything. The other two are my brothers. I asked them to come to be our eyes and ears. We can’t walk into the lobby asking for room numbers and master keys because if Bannon has lookouts, we’ll get made. Merrick knows the hotel manager, so I thought he could charm her into giving us what we need and make it look like he’s there to visit a girlfriend. Jasper and Mr. Needham can be our lookouts in the lobby and the parking lot in case something goes down while we’re focused on getting to Autumn.”
