Page 27 of Knight's Seduction

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“Relax, Dad. I’ve been a perfect gentleman. Nothing’s happened in the room except for conversation and sleep. I promise.”

Even as he said the words, images flooded his mind of slipping under the covers next to Gennessey’s warm, firm body and of waking up with her sprawled across him, her luscious tits pressed against his chest, telling him she didn’t wear a bra under her sleep shirt. He could have pounded nails with his cock when he rose and showered before she woke.

His father’s voice broke through his overheated memories. “Good. Sounds like the girl could use someone who’s not going to put unnecessary pressure on her. I’m expecting you to be that person for her. This could be your chance to show her you can be someone she can count on.”

“I was thinking the same thing. So far, I haven’t done a lot. We had the rehearsal last night and then a family dinner. She ended up bailing early, and after listening to her family talk about all the ways she’s disappointed them, I can see why.”

“The rehearsal was last night, but the wedding’s tomorrow. That’s unusual, isn’t it? I’m not an expert on weddings, but I thought the rehearsal was the day before the ceremony.”

BB had already asked Gennessey about it. “The wedding is taking place at her grandparents’ home. Gennessey said they wanted to space out the events there to give her grandparents a breather in between. Today was a brunch, bridal shower and some other stuff. Tonight is the groom’s poker game and the bride’s bachelorette party. Then tomorrow is the wedding and reception. Sunday is brunch with Gen’s parents and brothers. Then back home for us.”

“Then you two are back to being what? Friends? Coworkers?”

Words failed him, so it was several seconds before BB was able to answer his father. “I wish I knew.”

Chapter Thirteen

BB tightened the laces of his boots as the bathroom door opened.

“I’m about to head out if you want a ride—”

He had risen up from his crouched position and glanced over at Gennessey as she exited the bathroom, where she’d spent a great deal of time getting ready for the bachelorette party. He hadn’t needed as much time to prepare for the poker game since he was able to wear his usual uniform of jeans and a T-shirt.

He had no idea what the women had planned, but he knew it had required a shopping trip for a new outfit, a long shower, and an indeterminate amount of time primping.

But the effect was…well, damn!

Gennessey’s thick dark curls had been straightened and smoothed into shiny waves which fell seductively down her back. Dark shadow coated her lids, blending to create a dramatic effect which made her eyes pop with vibrant color. Her lips were a deep, glossy pink. Her black jeans molded perfectly against her shapely legs and flat stomach. But her top stole his breath.

Made of black sequined fabric, the straps reached over her shoulders, creating a deep vee before falling in a loose swing of material to her trim waist. Her breasts rose round and firm and tantalizing enough to short circuit his brain. She turned to sit on the edge of the bed, and he was treated to a splendid view of her back revealed by a cowl.

BB never considered a woman’s back to be a huge turn on, but with Gennessey, the sight had him thinking all sorts of inappropriate things.

She stood and moved around the bed to check her reflection in the full-length mirror. He wasn’t sure how his eyes tore away from her in this top, but he noticed the black pair of shoes, all crisscrossing straps and chunky heels. There was nothing special about the shoes, but on Gennessey, they made her legs extend forever and flexed her ass under the fabric of her jeans.

She finally turned to face him. “Autumn is picking us up in a limo, so I’m going to meet her in the lobby. I’m ready to get this over with.”

She tiled her head to regard him curiously. Her hair slid over her shoulder like a shimmering waterfall, and BB’s hands flexed.

“Are you okay? You look weird.”

He felt weird too. Here was his coworker, a woman who wouldn’t even call him a friend, and all he could think of was dragging her to the bed, pulling her clothes from her sexy body, and plunging balls deep inside her until she called his name in pure ecstasy.

And if he was having these thoughts after seeing her for a couple of minutes, any red-blooded heterosexual man who saw her tonight would be having them too.

“You can’t wear that,” he blurted.

Her brow furrowed as she looked down at her top. “Why? Does it have something on it? Is there a hole or something? I got it off a sale rack. It was the only thing in black I could find on short notice that I could wear with jeans.”

“It’s awfully…” Don’t say sexy. Don’t say sexy. “…shiny. I didn’t think you could wear anything to upstage the bride.”

Her hands landed on her hips, and she smirked. “Last I checked, there weren’t any warnings about shiny clothes. Our only instructions for the night were to wear black and dress for dancing. Autumn will be the only one in white or pink or some other color to set her apart as the bride.”

She walked over to the seating area. BB scurried after her, his brain struggling to find something to say. No way would he be able to concentrate on anything at the poker game if he was thinking of the assholes trying to grope Gennessey at the bar or dance floor.

“Don’t you worry your top might be…too loose fitting for dancing?” What the hell, Beckett? Get your head out of your ass.

“Nope. I won’t be doing much, and I wanted something not too fitted and uncomfortable. I promised Cohen I’d keep an eye on Autumn, so my job tonight is to make sure she doesn’t get too hammered or crazy that she struggles at the wedding tomorrow.”
