Page 26 of Knight's Seduction

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Bonnie shook her head. “We never conceived. We adopted Autumn when she was born. Her mother was a sixteen-year-old girl who got caught up with the wrong man. She knew she wanted her child to have a better life than her, so she put her up for adoption. She told us when she saw our application, she knew we were the family her daughter was meant to have.”

“Oh, I had no idea. Cohen never told me.”

“It’s fine. It’s not a secret, but we don’t talk about it much. I didn’t come in here to tell you all of that either, but I guess I couldn’t help myself. Something about your young man reminds me of my Rex. Speaking from experience, BB may be a man who draws a lot of female attention, but you are the one he chose to be with. Rex never made those choices lightly, and I’m thinking BB probably doesn’t either.”

Only BB hasn’t chosen me. The random thought caused her stomach to twist, but she smiled at her hostess, hoping her eyes didn’t give away her inner turmoil. “Thank you for telling me, Bonnie. And just so you know, Cohen is one of my favorite people on the planet, and I’m very thankful he found someone like Autumn. She’s beautiful and kind and will make my cousin a great wife.”

“Thank you. We do love Cohen. They make a wonderful couple.”

Bonnie reached over and squeezed Gennessey’s hand. “I had better return to my guests. Feel free to stay here as long as you’d like. Lingerie showers are not my favorite thing either.”

Gennessey chuckled. “Thank you, but I’d better come back with you. Otherwise, my mother and my aunt will come looking for me.”

She stood, and Bonnie linked her arm through hers. “Then this time, you can sit by me, and I promise to keep any questions I have about BB strictly innocent.”

Gennessey grinned, sensing she’d found an ally in Bonnie Davis.


“I wish there was more I could do.”

BB’s grip tightened around his cell phone, suddenly wanting to take his words back. He made the call with the intent of checking on his father and offering encouragement. He found himself searching for comfort instead of offering it.

“I’ve come to terms that it’s now in the hands of God and my doctor. I have peace, son. I don’t believe it’s my time. There’s a lot of life I still want to live. I want to see you and your brothers married. I want to play with my grandchildren. I want to take your mother on the godforsaken cruise she’s always wanted to go on.”

“The cruise we can probably make happen. The wives and grandchildren may be asking a lot,” BB quipped, hoping to lighten the dark turn their conversation had taken.

He was relieved to hear his father chuckle. “You’re probably right. Not that Brent’s girlfriend isn’t nice, but he needs a girl who’s more like your mother, someone who challenges him and makes him earn her love and respect on a daily basis. The love of a woman like her is worth the effort.”

“There’s no one like Momma. She’s one of a kind.”

“She’s pretty special. But I think you found a woman like your mother. Gennessey has your mother’s fire. I can tell.”

BB stood in front of the glass doors leading out to the balcony. He could almost picture Gennessey sitting out there, taking in the view while trying not to appear as vulnerable as she felt.

“Dad, there’s something I should probably tell you.”

Amos sighed. “She’s not your woman, is she?”

BB rolled his eyes. “You figured it out already. I should have guessed you would.”

“It was your mother. You know you can’t fool her. She told me you two were pretending, but she decided to play along because then all of her boys would be on their best behavior while Gennessey was here. Besides, whether you’re dating or just friends, your mother and I like Gennessey. She’s welcome back anytime.”

“I like her, too. Believe me, I wish we were friends. She’s never been interested in anything more than a work relationship. She thinks all I do is play games.”

“When it comes to women, she’s not completely wrong, is she?”

BB groaned. “Not you too. What’s wrong with keeping things casual and fun?”

“Nothing until people start to believe that’s all there is to you. Gennessey’s a challenge for you, but if you want a friendship with her, just keep at it. Give her some time to see there’s more to you than games.”

“Wow, I think Mom has rubbed off on you. That’s some solid relationship advice, Dad.”

“I’ll be the first to admit your mom has taught me a thing or two. Why did you and Gennessey feel the need to playact around us the other night?”

“Would you believe it was a practice run for this weekend?” BB went on to explain Gennessey’s predicament with her cousin’s wedding and her meddling family.

“You’re sharing a hotel room with each other?” Amos asked sharply, and BB felt like a teenager caught sneaking a girl into his bedroom behind his parents’ back.
