Page 24 of Knight's Seduction

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“It did not. He tried to order for me, and when I told him I didn’t like what he ordered, he told me to just trust him because he knew what was best. Then he told me if I was interested in spicing things up, he knew another girl who would be open to a threesome. He assured me there was enough of him to rock both our worlds.”

“Charming,” he replied, sarcasm dripping from his tone. “Why would your aunt fix you up with him again?”

“Because she and he both forgot we went out in the first place. He’s a douche, but my aunt has tried to set me up many times, she’s forgotten who she has pushed on me and who she hasn’t. I told her I was with you and wasn’t interested, and her response was, ‘You never know.’ Usually, I’m able to commiserate with Cohen in situations like that, but he was dancing with Autumn. They were smiling at each other, happy and oblivious to everyone around them. It just hit me how everything is changing, but I feel stuck in the same old stereotype my family always puts me in. I don’t expect you to understand. Your family is great, and I’m sure they would never put unrealistic expectations on you.”

“You’re right. They haven’t and wouldn’t. But I don’t have to have the same experience to understand. Family dynamics are tough, and you’re the lone female in a sea of male grandchildren. They mean well. They want you to be happy. They just don’t know what that looks like outside the example of their own lives. They see your choices as rebellion or naiveté. I get why it’s frustrating for you. You’re not being heard.”

She was glad BB couldn’t see the shock on her face. Words eluded her for several moments as she tried to figure out if he truly understood or somehow managed to find the right words she needed to hear.

“Okay, Beckett, it’s just the two of us. No one else is around. There’s no need to pretend. Tell me, who is the real Brennan Beckett? This nice, understanding guy who will go above and beyond to help out a coworker who doesn’t even consider him a friend? Or the charming, flirtatious guy who prefers to have women as his lovers and not his friends?”

“I can be nice, understanding, and charming at the same time. They aren’t mutually exclusive.”

She couldn’t stop her snort of disbelief. “Can’t you be real for five minutes? You always seem like you’re playing games, and I’m too tired for that now.”

“What do you want me to say, Gen? What is it you want from me?”

She sighed. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t fair. Being around my family doesn’t bring out the best in me. You’re doing me a favor, and I appreciate it. I think I just need to call it a night.”

Pushing to her feet, she turned to move between their chairs toward the balcony doors, but BB grasped her wrist tight enough to stop her without hurting her. She looked down to where his hand rested against her skin, and suddenly the humidity wasn’t the source of her overheated body. His thumb moved back and forth over her pulse point, and she wondered if he was aware of the caress.



“I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t want any misunderstandings or for us to doubt where we stand with each other. When it’s just us, let’s agree there are no games and no pretending. When we’re alone, we can consider it a safe space where we can be ourselves.”

She hesitated, well aware of the danger of letting her guard down when she was alone with him. But the temptation was great, and she didn’t have the resolve to resist.

“Okay. No games. This can be a new start for us. Friends as well as coworkers. I can live with it if you can.”

There it was. The line in the sand. If he thought their truce could lead to more than friendship between them, she wanted to squash that thinking before things went too far.

“I’m good with it.”

He withdrew his hand, and she missed the contact. “Good night, BB.”

“Night, Gen. And don’t worry about the one bed. I can crash on the couch.”

She nodded and opened the balcony door only to have guilt make her hesitate. “We can share the bed. You won’t be comfortable on the couch, and I need you to be at your best this weekend. Like you said before, nothing’s going to happen.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t sure. Don’t stay up too late. We should be seen eating breakfast together in the morning. I’ll need to deal with any speculation among my family caused by my leaving the party, and it’ll help to have you with me.”

“Like I promised, I’ll have your back. Sleep well, Gen.”

She finally stepped inside, the cool blast of the air conditioning raising goose bumps on her arms. Closing the door, she paused to stare at BB’s form sitting on the balcony. Then fatigue drove her to the bathroom to complete her nightly bedtime ritual. He still hadn’t come back inside when she settled under the covers, sleep claiming her almost the moment her head rested on the soft pillow.

Chapter Twelve

The delicate silver wrapping paper ripped enough to loosen the gauzy bow. A slender hand pulled the trappings away and dropped them unceremoniously onto the floor. The lid to the clothing box was lifted and tossed to the side. High-pitched squeals erupted when the bride-to-be held the lacy, barely-there lingerie up for her guests to see and gush over.

“Cohen will love that!” One of the bridesmaids shouted above the din and received a chorus of giggles in response.

Autumn’s cheeks blushed prettily as she laughed along with the rest of them. Gennessey took a long draw from her champagne flute, the crisp flavor of the mimosa the best thing about the bridal brunch so far. Her eyes stole a glance at the clock hanging over the mantle, perfectly centered on the beige wall. She’d only been at Autumn’s parents’ home for an hour, and she felt she’d lost a year of her life.

Her own mother hovered nearby, glaring at her when no one was watching. At one point, Carolyn pushed Gennessey to be more social, but she had been more interested in the sausage balls on the buffet than in being a joiner. She did compliment Autumn’s mother on the beauty of her home and the delicious brunch food, but that was the extent of her social skills. She had struggled to control her eye rolls once the lingerie shower began.
