Page 23 of Knight's Seduction

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She grinned as she recalled the modest prom dress her mother had bought for her to wear. She wore it long enough to get out of the house with her date. Once she got to school, she changed into the sexier dress she’d bought for herself. She had walked into the dance with all the confidence of a woman who knew she looked good. But then…

Gennessey frowned. “How much of the prom story did they tell you?”

“If you’re wondering if they told me about how your zipper busted while you were dancing and the strapless dress fell down enough to show off your tits to your date and everyone else on the dance floor, then yes, they did.”

She buried her face in her hands. “I hope that was the worst story they told you.”

“It was, but then your mother told me how you tried to dye your hair and ended up making most of it fall out. Your aunt told me how you hotwired the principal’s car and moved it to the other side of the school so he would think it had been stolen. Your uncle told me how you pushed some unsuspecting girl into the pond because she didn’t want to fish.”

She sat up straighter. “That’s not true! I pushed her in the pond because she made fun of me for fishing. She always thought she was better than me, so I figured she had it coming.”

BB chuckled. “I have no doubt. I told you. It was very enlightening.”

“Then I’m glad I left when I did.”

She could feel his eyes studying her. “What?” she demanded.

He shrugged. “I just expected you to say you wished you had stayed so you could have stopped them for telling me anything embarrassing.”

“You don’t know them like I do. There’s no stopping them. Believe me. They’ve been collecting and sharing embarrassing stories about me since I was born. No reason for them to stop now.”

They fell quiet for a few minutes, and then BB cleared his throat.

“Don’t you want to know the stories I told them?”

She sighed. “No. I don’t think I do.”

“I told them about the pickpocket you took down at the charity benefit after he stole a cameo from an older woman who’d received it from her late husband on their last anniversary. Then there was the time you helped us find Courtlyn when the serial killer snatched her.”

“We all worked to find her. She was Wings’ girl, so it was all hands on deck.”

“There was the car accident you and Isobel rolled up on while you were working a case. You performed CPR on the child who was thrown from the car until the paramedics came. They said you saved her life.”

Gennessey felt a jolt rock her body. “How do you know about that?”

“I know a lot about you.”

She didn’t know how to reply, so she just slumped lower in her chair and gnawed her bottom lip. When the silence became uncomfortable, she spoke quietly.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“Sure, I did. They kept talking about the things you used to do. I thought they should know about the things you do now. You’re amazing, Gen. There is way more to you than they give you credit for.”

She settled back in her seat with a sigh. “Well, thank you. I’m not sure the stories made a difference, but I appreciate the effort.”

“What happened to make you skip out on the dinner early?”

She hesitated, then reached into the pocket of her joggers. She fished out a slip of paper and held it up for him to see. Even though the limited lighting didn’t give him a clear view, the whiteness of the paper still glowed bright enough for him to see she held something.

“What’s that?”

“A phone number. Cohen’s mom slipped it to me when you grabbed us drinks from the bar. It’s to call her friend’s single son if things go to shit between us.”

“Damn. She’s got some balls.”

“She’s got some warped thinking. She’s already tried to set me up with this guy. I even agreed to have a drink with him once just to see if maybe she might be a better matchmaker than I thought.”

This time, BB was the one setting up straighter in his chair. “I’m guessing it didn’t go well.”
