Page 101 of Fall of an Empire

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He slams into me, over and over again, and my release tears through my body, ripping through me with such force that every muscle in my body turns liquid, and it’s all I can do to hang on to Fort as he drops his head to the crook of my neck and continues driving into me.

Fort starts to pull out, but I hold him to me, keeping my legs locked firmly in place. “No. I want you inside of me, Fort.”

I see the argument in his eyes. The reason why him finishing in me is a terrible idea, and he’s not wrong. But I need this. Because if we are to die in this war, I want to have had him completely at least once.

He pulls back and slams into me again.


“You are mine,” he growls as he grips the back of my neck. “Mine.”

“Yours,” I reply, completely breathless.

He stills as he comes, filling me. I lean my head back, breathing ragged, while he presses his lips to the hollow of my throat.

“I’m sorry if I was rough.” Fort slowly slides out and lowers me down his body.

“Rough?” I ask. “That was amazing.”

He grins, a youthful expression that makes my heart skip.

We dress quickly then step from the trees. Shadow raises his head in greeting but then goes back to grazing just as quickly.

The animal eats constantly.

“Once we get back to camp, time alone will become increasingly difficult.”

“We’ll find a way.” I wrap my arms around him, and he leans down to kiss me. “We always do."

* * *

We arrive at camp sometime after nightfall.

Torches burn brightly around the makeshift wall they have created with tents, the only entrance guarded by dwarven soldiers.

Shadow lands in the center of camp, and we climb off.


I turn just in time to open my arms and wrap them around my brother. Bowman lifts me from the ground and spins in a slow circle, squeezing me so tightly I can barely breathe. “Bowman!” I say as I squeeze him right back.

He sets me down and cups my cheeks. “I have so much to apologize for. So much that I—”

“No. You don’t. You were doing what you thought best for Navalis, and while I think you are an idiot, I don’t fault you for it.” I smile at him, tears misting my eyes. He looks so much like the brother I remember before the fall.




My Bowman.

“As much as I appreciate that, dear sister, I do need to apologize. I was going to force you to marry Patrick. Push you into doing something you knew in your gut you shouldn’t.”

“But not because I knew who he was,” I reply. “I didn’t have any idea of Patrick’s true identity nor his intentions.”

“None of us did,” he replies. “I swear, had I known, I would have driven a blade through that maggot’s heart ages ago.”
