Page 100 of Fall of an Empire

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He stares down at me in surprise, but just as a tear begins to slip down his cheek, he pulls his hand away and quickly wipes his face. “Then you better survive. You owe me. I saved your life.”

“That you did.” Standing, I give him a smile then ruffle his hair. He laughs.

“Are you ready?” Fort slips an arm around my shoulders. It’s been like that since he arrived. Always touching me as though he worries that I’m a figment that will disappear if he doesn’t.


“You are a warrior,” Anderson says.

“I am.”

“Then you have to keep Carleah safe. She’s a princess after all. I mean, a queen.”

Fort kneels just as I did and reaches up to grip the boy’s shoulder. “I vow to bring her back to you.”

“Good.” Anderson juts his chin out, standing even straighter as Fort gets to his feet.

Kira comes out onto the porch. “Children, come in for lunch.”

Anderson throws his arms around me and squeezes then turns and races into the house without waiting for a response. Andy does the same, surprising me with a tight hug before following after her brother.

Kira takes my hand in hers and smiles. “I will care for them while you are gone.”

“Thank you. I owe you far more than I can repay just yet.”

“You owe me nothing but your safe return.” She turns to Fort. “And you as well, Warrior.”

Fort smiles. “We will return.”

She dips her head in a nod then turns and heads into the house after the children. William waits for us beside Shadow. He offers me a rolled-up piece of parchment and hands Fort a bag. “Open it when all feels lost,” he tells me. “It will remind you of all you have.”

I offer Fort the parchment, and he tucks it safely into the bag. Then I wrap my arms around William. He stiffens, clearly surprised, but a few heartbeats later, he wraps both arms around me and holds me for a few seconds before letting me go.

Shadow bows, so I climb on first, Fort behind me. His body pressed against mine is more than I ever thought I’d feel again. I lean back into him, offering William a wave as Shadow takes to the sky.

Fort’s arms come around me, and Shadow guides us over the tree tops. Up here, I can see the realm from the perspective of a bird. Up here, the weight of everything we face does not haunt me.

That is until my gaze lands on tall, icy mountains in the distance.

What will it be like to walk the halls of my home again? What will it feel like to touch the snow and smell a fresh fire in the hearth of my father’s study?

“Do you think it still stands?” I ask.

“There is not a force in this world that could level your kingdom, my love. Navalis still stands. It is merely waiting for you to return.”

“It feels like it may never happen.”

Fort presses a kiss to the top of my head. “It will.”

We fly for a short time before Fort leans forward and says, “Take us down for a bit!”

Shadow descends, slipping through trees until his hooves land softly on the ground. Fort climbs off then reaches up for me. As soon as my feet are on the ground, he takes my hand and pulls me into the trees.

My heart hammers against my chest.

Fort spins me and pins me against a tree, his mouth feverish on mine. His hands are everywhere, and I tear at his clothes, undoing the belt and dropping his pants to the ground. He does the same with mine, shoving them down as I step out of my boots.

Fort lifts me, and I wrap both legs around his waist as he fills me in one harsh thrust. I cry out, the sound swallowed by his kisses.
