Page 99 of The Villain

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She was so fucking tight.

Fuuuck me.

I slid in gently past the tight ring of muscle, and she hissed. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her right shoulder as I pulled her torso up. She braced her arms against the headboard and sucked in a deep breath.

"It's okay, Kitten. Breathe through it."

She tensed for a moment, then relaxed and pushed back against my cock, and I slid in a little further.

"It's so big. I'm so full," she whispered.

I slid in a little more and she whimpered. "Take it easy kitten, don't panic."

"You're so big it hurts but I like it. You feel good too. Dirty."

"Good kitten. My dirty girl gets what she wants. You're so fucking sexy. I love the way your arse feels around my cock." She relaxed and pushed back again as I pulled back a centimetre and sank back into the handle.

Oh. Fuck. Me.

I was never leaving. Her arse was fucking sublime. "Daphne, love. You okay?" Shit, how many times would she let me fuck her arse? I was going to need more of this.

She took a deep breath and nodded firmly, but her eyes were screwed shut. I pulled back and her eyes snapped open and she moaned softly.

"Oh, you like that?"

"Yes. Oh God. That feels so... wow."

I waited, listening to her breathin as I continued to kiss her back, shoulders and neck.

"I'm good now, Drake. It's so good." Her voice was so strained.

I left one hand on her hip and moved the other over her breasts, squeezing gently before sliding up to her throat. I squeezed gently and Daphne's tight arse squeezed my cock tightly.

"Fuck. Shit!" I yelled. I bit her shoulder. "Naughty hellcat."

"Sorry, sorry," she gasped.

"Oh, you will be sorry, but not for this. You'll come soon, crying out my name. I can feel it."

Her body relaxed and she began to move her hips back. "More. Please more."

"You're so good, kitten." I pressed my lips against her neck.

I shifted my grip to lightly choke her while my other hand moved to cover her mound and I thrust my fingers into her cunt, curling them against that swollen bundle of nerves. "Come on darling, ride my hand."

Daphne gripped my fingers and moaned loudly as her arse squeezed around me. I felt her hot cream slide down my fingers, easing the slide.

"That's it, kitten. Come for me. I'm going to fuck you now. You're going to feel so good."

I pulled my fingers out of her and grabbed her hips, pulling her back, waiting for her to push back against me before I slid forward.

Her arse gripped my cock, pulling me forward as I slid in. I kept moving until my balls were flat against her skin and I was buried deep inside her. "That's my girl."

I kissed her neck and held my cock still, giving her a moment to get used to me.

I rocked my hips back before pulling out completely, then sliding back in.

"That's my girl."
