Page 98 of The Villain

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"Shhh. I know best. Besides, you need a bigger one. And you need to stop with all the excuses."

I leaned forward and licked her pussy lips. I was teasing her, but I was the one with the ached deep in my heart and my cock. She fucking owned me down to my soul. How could I not give her everything?

"You taste so sweet. How are you still so fucking tight?"

I licked her again and she moaned. "Ohhhh."

Smirking, I gripped her thighs tighter and pushed my tongue inside her sweet cunt. She couldn't move. She couldn't get away. She was pinned by my tongue. By my hands. By my words.

"Your pussy feels like it's trying to strangle me, Kitten."

I pressed my fingers against her clit as I drew my tongue across the tight stretch of skin between her cunt and arse and she stiffened.

I watched her head fall forward and I could tell she was on the edge. I fucking loved it when she lost control like that.

When I ran my tongue over her arsehole, instead of trying to escape this time, she moaned loudly and her body relaxed.

"That's my good little kitten." Fuck, I loved her taste. I was a goddamn addict and I couldn't stop, desperate to make her beg me to fuck her again.

"I'm going to slide my cock in here." I pushed my tongue in. "I'm going to fuck you deep, kitten. And I'm going to fuck you slow, and then I'm going to fuck you hard. You want that, don't you? Nobody's ever fucked you in here before. You've never felt what it's like. Your arse is so tight and it doesn't stretch like your pussy. Do you want your arse to stretch around my cock?"

My only response was a moan from her. I pulled back deliberately and nipped at the skin of her left cheek.

With a whimper, Daphne wiggled her arse at me. "Oh God, yes."

She was so wet and swollen. I could see her pussy juices running down her inner thighs.

"Please Drake, I'm so close. I'm right here. I'll come. I'll come, please don't stop. Please."

I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock and leaned over her, teasing her opening with the head. "I'm going to fuck you now, kitten. I'm going to take your arse, but I'm going to get some lube. Wait here."

I rolled over to the bedside table where I'd left some toys and lube. When I'd packed for the wedding, I'd planned to take her away for a weekend to spend some time together before returning her to her life. Our plans had obviously been put on hold.

I stripped off the rest of my clothes, then climbed back onto the bed and poured the lube down the length of my cock, pouring a liberal amount onto that tight, pretty hole.

"Oh my God. It's cold."

I kissed her lower back. "I'm sorry, love. If it's too much you need to tell me."

"Please Drake, please. I want it," she begged.

"Fuck, kitten." I spread her legs wider and pressed a finger against her tight hole. I slid in with ease up to the first knuckle and she gasped.

"That's it, kitten. A little more." I pressed my thumb against her clit and another finger against her hole.

When I eased the tip of my second finger into her arse, I felt her clench and went slowly, stretching her.

She grunted as I eased my fingers the rest of the way inside her. "That's it kitten. You're so tight and I love how your arse grips my fingers. I'm going to ease my cock in here soon."

Gently I stretched her, pulling back, gently sliding back in. Fucking her slowly with my fingers for a few minutes, waiting until she pushed her arse back onto them.

"That's my good girl. Let me know what you want."

I withdrew my fingers and immediately I felt her muscles clench. Her head fell forward and she was whimpering loudly.

"Just like that kitten, I need you to relax or it's going to hurt. I never want to hurt you."

I poured more lube onto my cock then eased into position. When I pressed the tip of my cock against her swollen entrance and pushed forward I felt her resistance.
