Page 91 of The Villain

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An hour and a half later after Daphne succeeded in lifting my spirits, among other things, we were on the road again.

From the passenger seat, she watched me intently and chewed her bottom lip. “Go on, tell me, what are you thinking about?” I asked.

“You mean other than why I've never given a hummer before?”

I nearly swallowed my tongue. “What?”

She smiled shyly. “You know, a hummer. When I give you a blowjob while you're driving? I can't believe you never heard of it before.”

My crotch twitched in response. The thought of her soft lips wrapping around my straining cock was almost too good to pass up. How did she expect me to focus when she was casually talking about hummers?

“I know what a bloody hummer is, kitten. I'm just wondering why you're taunting me with one right now?”

She shook her head. “Just curious. I have all kinds of things I want to try.”

I wanted to take her at face value, but I knew what she meant. We were running out of time. Every moment together was one we had to cherish and enjoy.

My hands shook against the steering wheel as I tried to focus. I let out a long breath, trying to calm the raging desire that had taken control of my body.

The thought of her hot mouth sliding over my dick, the sound of her moans as I fucked her face… My cock hardened, and the urge to pull over and take her up on her offer was overwhelming.

I looked at her from the corner of my eye, admiring how beautiful she looked in the soft light of the car. She was perfection… and mine.

“I must admit, I love this new naughty adventurous streak. And it's a proper shame that you've never given a hummer. It's something we will have to remedy.”

She nodded absently and turned to look out the window. I reached my left hand out, gripping her hand and twining our fingers together. Her dark brown skin contrasted to my light tan.

I liked this feeling. I wanted those things that Gabe talked about, the quiet moments.

You can't have quiet moments and be an MI5 deep-cover operative. It doesn't work that way.

As we drove away from Balhurst Castle, the streets were bustling with activity, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

My suspicions were confirmed when a black SUV appeared out of nowhere, tailing us closely. I could see the glint of gunmetal in the hands of the men inside.

Without a second thought, I slammed on the accelerator and launched us into a pulse-pounding car chase straight through Surrey. Running a multitude of red lights and swerving between lanes of traffic, I used every driving tactic I knew to stay ahead and lose them.

We passed through narrow alleyways and shortcuts, evading our pursuers with superior driving skill and agility, taking a breakneck pace through busy highways and winding roads.

"Hold on," I warned Daphne, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I floored the accelerator, trying to lose our pursuers as we weaved through the narrow streets. The SUV was relentless, matching our every move.

A gunshot rang out, shattering the side window. I instinctively swerved the car, trying to avoid the incoming fire. But it was too late. One of the bullets grazed my shoulder, the sudden pain causing me to wince. The chase was getting more dangerous by the second, and I knew I had to do something before we were both seriously injured.

My mind raced as I scanned our surroundings, searching for any possible escape route. Up ahead, I spotted an alleyway that looked just wide enough for our car to fit through. With a quick, silent prayer, I jerked the wheel to the left and squeezed the car into the narrow space.

The SUV skidded to a halt, its occupants cursing and scrambling to follow us on foot. We were almost in the clear. We just needed to make it to the other end of the alley and lose them for good.

My heart pounded in my chest as I cautiously maneuvered us through the tight space, the sound of our pursuers' steps echoing in the alley. Daphne gripped my arm, her nails digging into my skin as she braced herself against me, urging me on with silent encouragement.

Finally, we emerged from the other side, unscathed and successful in our harrowing escape. I let out a relieved sigh, my shoulders slumping in exhaustion as Daphne cracked a relieved smile and held me securely against her.

Suddenly, another gunshot echoed through the alley, and a sickening feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I glanced over at Daphne, my heart dropping as I saw the blood spreading across her shirt. She'd been hit.

The full realization of what had just happened hit me like a ton of bricks. She'd been hit.

It was my fault. I felt like I'd been kicked in the chest. I wanted to scream, to cry. I hadn't been fast enough. I hadn't been able to protect her like I should have. I hadn't kept her safe from harm as I had promised.

I reached for her with trembling hands, barely able to keep my tears at bay. I tried not to panic and reminded myself that we were still alive. I could fix this.
