Page 90 of The Villain

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“You came for me.”

“Always, kitten. Always.”



I still couldn't shake the terror of seeing her in that room with those men. Gabe and his team had searched the whole property, but Massimo hadn't been there. Instead, he'd sent his thugs to collect her.

I couldn't help but wonder how much of this was my doing. If I'd just gotten her to safety someplace where Massimo or the Syndicate couldn't have found her, she would be safe. Instead, I’d played a dangerous game with her life, and she was terrorized at her sister's wedding.

That's on you.

Regardless of what Gabe had said yesterday about our lives being so hard already and to grasp any happiness we can, I knew I couldn’t risk her like that because I was such a selfish prick. I had done this to her all because I needed my life back. Because I needed vengeance and had a vendetta I couldn't let go of.

And now that vendetta was going to rob me of one of the last people I gave a shit about. I needed to get her away from me. Somewhere safe.

At this point, is anywhere safe?

She didn’t know how to hide. She barely knew how to fight.

Though she’d fought well enough to keep her and her sister safe until I arrived. She'd taken out two full grown men. Gabe and the Rogues had done cleanup for us. He’d texted last night to let us know that they weren't dead. She'd been worried that she might have killed someone. But now, unlucky for them, they could be interrogated. The two she'd hit just had concussions. The last one, well, he had sore balls and was non-communicative.

“What do you want to do today?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, like she was afraid of breaking the spell.

I thought for a moment, and then replied, "Let's just stay here and be together."

She smiled and nodded. "As if that's an option."

She was right. It wasn't. "We'll go with Reginald to a safe house,” I said. “The men at the wedding made me nervous, so I’d rather we lay low for a while. Then I'll take the information we have to Rogues. Right now, my only concern is you."

Daphne searched my gaze and nodded. She rolled over and reached for her phone. "I'm going to call Willow and check in," she said, her voice still thick with sleep.

"Go ahead," I replied, stretching my limbs and tracing my fingers up her spine.

As she chatted with her sister, I couldn't help but smile. It was nice to see her reconnect with family, even if it was just a brief phone call. After she hung up, I decided it was time to make some moves. I dialed Reginald and filled him in.

“How bad is it?”

I hated that he could always tell something was wrong before I even said anything. “It's not good news. We’ll be on our way back shortly, and when we get there we need to move. Just for precaution, I’ll feel better if you go with us.”

“All right. I'll be ready to go.”

While I admired his ability to roll with things, I hated that he couldn’t just live in peace.

When I hung up, Daphne climbed back into bed and nuzzled against me. “You okay?” Her dark eyes were impossible to escape. Like she was excavating my soul.

“Yeah. Brilliant. We should get out of here.”

She watched me for a moment then shook her head slowly. “Yeah, okay. But first I want to try something.”

I lifted my brow. “Does this something have anything to do with my cock?”

She laughed and gave me a teasing smile. “Maybe.

“Well, in that case, I’m all yours.”

