Page 88 of The Villain

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I could feel her second orgasm through mine and it was a heady thing as I fought to hold on for her. “Fuck.”

Daphne threw her head back, her whole body arching into me as she rode that last wave of bliss.

"Holy shite."

Still fully clothed, I tucked her into me knowing exactly why it was so good with us.

She'd been made for me.



So far, there wasn’t a sign of Massimo.

I was tense and riding the razor’s edge as I searched the crowd, watchful as I studied each guest, assessing them.

The mood at the wedding reception was a far cry from the night before. Much less tense and more celebratory. The late afternoon sun shone brightly through the ballroom windows, and the air smelled floral and fresh. Everyone was in high spirits, especially Daphne and Willow.

As the two of them twirled around the dance floor, laughing and smiling, I couldn't help but grin. It was a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere at the rehearsal dinner, where their mother's constant nitpicking had put a damper on the evening. But here, in the midst of wedding festivities, that all seemed to be forgotten.

The music filled the ballroom, providing a joyful background for the sisters' graceful movements. I couldn't take my eyes off Daphne.

You fucked up, Webster. You fucked up and fell for her.

If everything went right and we grabbed Massimo today, this would all be over. She was going back to her life. Because I didn’t want the kind of life that I led for her, where people like Massimo could scurry out of the woodwork. I wanted to give her everything. I hadn't told her I'd already taken care of her gran’s care bill for the next two years and had set up automatic payments so they would just bill me after that.

I knew how worried she was about it. And to me it was just money that I might as well put to good use. Between her and Reginald, it made me happy to do things for them. And knowing she was happy and safe, that needed to be enough.

Their mother stayed by the bar, glowering at her daughters. Since I had told her off, in my own charming way, of course, she was now giving us a wide berth, probably afraid of getting burned again. Yeah, I may have been a little harsh, but come on, it was a wedding rehearsal dinner for crying out loud. Tension and family drama had no place there.

The music changed but the two sisters kept dancing, their faces lit up with joy. Soon, other guests began to join in, and a full-fledged dance party broke out. It was fun and light, just the way it should be. I leaned against the wall, watching Daphne and her sister from a distance, feeling a warmth spread through me that had nothing to do with the champagne I'd been sipping.

Gabe suddenly appeared beside me. He was one of the few people who knew about my line of work, and he had seen me through some pretty dark times.

Gabe chuckled and shook his head. "You've got it bad, man," he said, nudging me with his elbow.

I rolled my eyes, trying to remain cool and collected. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied, but I knew I wasn't fooling him.

He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. "Come on, mate. I've known you for years, and I've never seen you look at anyone the way you look at Daphne."

I sighed and had to admit that he was right. I couldn't deny my feelings for her any longer. "I can't help it, Gabe," I said earnestly. "She's bloody… amazing."

Gabe clapped me on the shoulder in understanding. We stood together in silence for a moment as we watched Daphne and Willow sweep around the dance floor with their mother watching from afar with a sad expression on her face.

My heart ached for them all. It seemed as though every move they made was clouded by a deep familial tension that couldn't be ignored or erased easily.

At last the song came to an end, and Daphne looked up at me with a radiant smile that immediately set my heart racing. She had such an effect on me. We locked eyes for a single moment before she grabbed Willow's hand once more and they exited the dance floor together, laughing brightly as they went.

Gabe cleared his throat beside me, breaking the spell of her presence and bringing me back to reality with a bang.

Gabe nodded, his expression turning serious. "I know, man. And I want you to remember something. Our line of work takes a lot from us. You can't let it take love away too. Hold her close, cherish every moment, and don't let anything come between you two."

The only problem was that if I held her close, no doubt, I’d put her right in the path of danger.


My feet hurt. My back hurt. And if I was being honest, my face hurt from all the smiling. Willow was so happy. And she got the day she deserved.
