Page 87 of The Villain

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As I clung to Drake, I couldn't help but feel a sense of closure. Finally, someone had stood up to my mother, exposing her for the manipulative, heartless woman she was. Willow, still stunned, reached out to take my hand, and I knew she finally understood.

The rest of the night was a blur, but one thing was clear; my life was changing for the better. And with Drake by my side, I was finally free to let go of the past and embrace the love and support I'd found in him, the love I'd always deserved.


Once in the bedroom, Daphne was still riding high from the reception, looping her arms around my neck, she whispered, “Thank you.”

I slid my hands into her curls, fisting gently, angling her head and I leveled my gaze on her. "I protect what's mine. Even when you don't need protection. I want you to know you have someone there to back you."

"I don't know what to say."

“You are mine. Do you understand that?”

“Somehow I think, I’ve always been yours.” Her gaze met mine and lingered as if looking for something. Maybe she was looking for an assurance that I meant it.

The words eluded me. All I could do was show her, so I did.

When I pressed my lips to hers, I wasn't gentle. I tugged her body into mine, holding her in place and savaging her mouth, taking everything I wanted from her.

Daphne moaned against my mouth, her hands sliding up my chest and gripping the lapels of my jacket. She responded with a passion that equaled mine and suddenly I couldn't help myself.

I took control, pushing her down onto the bed and covering her body with mine. Her legs encircled me and she clung to me as the intensity between us increased. When our kiss ended she gasped for breath, still clinging to me desperately.

"You're mine," I said again, feeling the possessive words burn through me. "You have been from the moment we met."

Daphne opened her eyes and watched me for a few moments before nodding slowly in agreement.

"Yes. I know."

I crushed my mouth against hers once more, at a loss for words. My erection throbbed against the zipper of my slacks as I held her small body to mine. I never wanted to let go.

I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to strip her and fuck her until neither of us could move.

There was no doubt. I wanted everything with her.

When we broke apart, I dropped my forehead on hers, breathing heavily.

Daphne tilted her chin up, her lips coming into contact with mine. For some reason what should have been a sweet kiss, turned the fire banked inside of me to incendiary.

I couldn't wait, I needed to be inside her. Roughly, I gathered up the tulle of her dress, desperate to find out if my kitten was wet for me already. When my fingers encountered bare pussy, I growled.

I sank two fingers into her pussy, and she cried out as she arched against my hand. Daphne threw her head back, her body arching of its own accord, her soft moans filling my ears as I worked her body. The telltale flute of her pussy happened quick with one stroke of my thumb on her clit.

"That's my girl. Always ready to go off for me."

"Always," she breathed, arching against me. Her nails dug into the muscles on my shoulders as she clung to me, riding my fingers.

With one more stroke she was flying and I was swallowing her moans with a deep kiss. I knew enough to wait for those aftershocks. As she came down, I pulled my fingers from her body, then brought them to my lips. "Fucking delicious."

Clumsily, we fought with my trousers, then pushed my pants down and freed my cock. I lined the head of my dick up with her slick opening and thrust forward, sinking into her tight heat in one stroke.

Together we cursed as we held onto each other desperately. I had to bury my face in her neck to muffle my groan of pure bliss when she wrapped her legs around my hips and urged me on with her heels against my arse. I held onto her, my face buried in her neck as if it were an anchor as I lifted my hips and pounded into her.

I might have even sworn I was having a stroke, it felt so good. I was too close. I could feel it coming as I fought for control. “Daphne, look at me.”

Her eyes snapped open and caught mine. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she rode my cock, her moans loud in my ears. Her pussy clenched around me and I was undone. I let the pleasure claim me.

With one last stroke, I exploded deep inside her, my cum filling her pussy.
