Page 81 of The Villain

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She cried out as I licked her slowly, teasingly, using my tongue to lap up her juices and fuck her pussy deep. I moved my lips to her clit, flicking my tongue against the hard little bud and her finger. She tugged harder now, pulling erratically as I ate her out.

I took that as my cue to slip my hands under her hips and pull her towards me. My tongue flickered out, sliding down her slit, dipping into her core, tasting every sweet drop of her arousal. I dragged my tongue to her entrance and lapped at her slowly, savoring the moment. I wanted nothing more than to pin her legs back and fuck her senseless, but I wanted this to last, to be something she'd never forget.

When I began to circle her entrance with my fingers, she went crazy. She was so wet and tight, and I could tell from the way she was rocking her hips against my finger that it wouldn't take much before she came.

I dragged my finger in and out of her, fucking her slowly, aching to feel what it was like to be inside her.

I added another and she cried out, her fingers biting into my scalp. I lapped at her softly, urging her on, fucking her with my fingers, so eager to feel her come apart around them.

It was only a matter of time before she was writhing under me, her hips bucking wildly. "Oh my God, Drake, oh fuck!" She cried out.

I didn't stop, she was still too close, too worked up, her fingers on her clit were too frantic. I wanted to feel her come apart on my tongue.

With a cry, she stilled, her body stiffening as she gripped my hair and tried to fight against the orgasm I was forcing on her. She let out a long scream before her muscles relaxed, and her body collapsed on the bed.

But we were far from done. Shifting her legs back, I focused my attention on the pretty rosette. I leaned forward and swiped my tongue across it, growling when she gasped in shock and tried to buck out of my grasp.

I licked her again, focusing on making sure her arse was drenched before I began to press my tongue against the tight opening. Slowly, I pressed forward until I was licking deeply, savoring the way she trembled under me.

"Oh, oh my God, Drake," she cried out, and I growled against her, loving the way she lost herself completely. I knew how much she loved it when she reached down and tried to hold my head in place, rocking wildly against my tongue as I fucked her tight hole.

As her pleasure built again, I felt her leg muscles tense, and she began to grind her hips hard against my tongue.

I pressed my tongue against her again, this time pushing past her tight ring. I was rewarded with a sharp cry and the frantic flicking of her fingers between her thighs.

"Work your clit, kitten."

"Yes, oh my God."

Slowly, I teased the opening with my tongue, swirling it around her entrance before I pressed my tongue inside again. I slid my tongue in and out of her slowly, fucking her with it. She was panting and squirming under me, careening toward another release.

"Please Drake! I'm so close."

I increased the speed of my tongue, fucking her arse faster. "Oh my God," she sobbed. "I'm so close, I can feel it. Oh please!"

I felt her flutter around my tongue, and I knew she was close. I wrapped my arm around her thigh and spread her wide, so I could watch her face as I tongue-fucked her tight hole. I wanted to see her fall over the edge again.

I pressed my tongue deeper, as deep as I could, wanting to feel her come around me. With a low groan, she arched her back and screamed as she came. Her entire body shook violently as she writhed under me, grinding her arse against my tongue.

"Good girl," I growled against her skin, and she moaned softly, her fingers still flickering against her clit.

She panted softly as she came down, and I crawled up the bed to kiss her neck. She was still flushed and panting when I nipped her again and again, until she finally relaxed and let me take over.

I grabbed her chin, gently but firmly, and held it up so I could lick at her neck. She moaned and reached for my cock, stroking it through her folds.

I kissed the hollow of her throat again, loving the way her hand tangled in my hair and pulled me closer with her legs.

I slid inside her slowly, groaning as her heat closed around my cock, drawing me in.

She cried out and dug her fingers into my shoulders. I thrust my cock into her sweet, tight pussy hard and fast, the force of my hips driving me deeper inside her. Her fingers dug into my shoulders and she gasped, meeting my hips, slamming against me.

Daphne tightened around me and I growled. She pulled that trick again, all the while her fingernails bit into my shoulders.

With a feral cry, I came hard, pounding into her and roaring as I did, my come shooting hot jets of cum deep inside her.

Beneath me, she went limp and I rolled us to our sides. I gently kissed her forehead, before attempting to get up.

"Where are you going?"
