Page 80 of The Villain

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Eventually, the water grew cold, and we reluctantly climbed out of the tub, the night's events having left us both exhausted. As I wrapped a fluffy towel around Daphne, she leaned in for another kiss, and it was like electricity passing between us.

"Thank you," she whispered against my lips. "For tonight, and for everything."

I hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go. "I'd do it all again in a heartbeat, Daphne. As long as you're with me."

We moved to the bedroom, where I pulled back the covers and gestured for her to climb in. She obliged, curling up under the soft sheets with a contented sigh. I joined her, wrapping my arms around her as she drifted off to sleep, our bodies entwined.

As I lay there, listening to the steady rhythm of her breathing, I couldn't help but think about our future. The road ahead was still uncertain, and there was no doubt that we'd face more challenges along the way. But for the first time in a long while, I felt hopeful.

We were a team. And together, we'd take on whatever life threw at us, rogue or not.


The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a golden glow over the room. I stirred from sleep, a rare, dreamless sleep I had only been able to achieve with Daphne in my arms. It filled me with a sense of peace that I hadn't felt in a long while. Even the nightmares and half-forgotten memories that normally kept me awake had been silenced in her presence.

I opened my eyes to the familiar sight of her, her long curly hair peeking out from under her silk scarf, and her delicate features illuminated by the soft light. She looked so beautiful, so at peace, that I almost felt guilty for disturbing her. I stayed still and watched her, breathing in the moment, until finally she stirred and opened her eyes.

When her gaze met mine, her face lit up into a smile that seemed to fill the entire room. I couldn't help but smile back, and I felt myself melt into her embrace as she reached out and pulled me close. Her breasts pressed into me and I palmed one, loving the feel of her. She was so damn soft everywhere.

I knew by now, one taste wouldn’t be enough.

I trailed kisses down her neck, nipping at her skin and eliciting a gasp from her lips. "You taste too good, I need more," I whispered against her throat.

She wrapped her legs around me, pulling me closer until I could feel the heat of her core against my erection. "Then take more," she moaned, her fingers tangling in my hair.

I didn't need to be told twice. I slid down her body, leaving a trail of kisses and bites in my wake. When I reached the apex of her thighs, I used my hands to part her thighs wide, taking in the view of her pretty pink and brown folds.

Fuck I loved that she was bare. Being able to see the moisture on her folds would never get old.

She squirmed under my gaze, "I want you to part your lips for me, Daphne. Show me how you like to be touched, kitten."

She gasped as she complied, parting her plump pussy lips, revealing the delicate pink flesh beneath.

I leaned in until my breath was hot on her skin. "That's it kitten. Show me how you like it. It's okay to let me see. I like teasing you like this, knowing how much you want this. Knowing that you feel so wet, wetter than you've ever been."

Christ, her fingers were so wet. Seeing how she responded to my words, my gaze, her fingers, seeing the extra layer of wetness on her lips, making my cock throb painfully.

"Oh my God, Drake."

"Now you know what to do. I'm going to eat this pussy until you come and come. If you're a good girl for me, I'll eat this perfect peach of an arse too. But my rule is, you don't stop working that clit. Even if I choose to help you, I want your fingers on your clit. Do you understand me?"

She gave me a little whimpering moan, which was all I needed to dive in. This was what I needed. My tongue traced around her lips, featherlight, until I found the center of her pleasure. I growled as the taste of her burst over my taste buds. The sweet, salty tang of her desire, so sweet that I could feel it all the way down to my cock.

I didn't think I could get harder than I already was, but I could feel my cock throbbing as her taste hit my tongue, and I knew I was going to have the hardest damn time not coming in my pants right there.

It wasn't just her taste that had that effect, either. Her reactions drove me wild. She moaned and writhed under my tongue, gripping the sheets under her.

She cried out as I licked her slowly, teasingly, using my tongue to lap up her juices and fuck her pussy deep. Her fingers combed through my hair, keeping me in place as she rocked her hips, grinding against my tongue.

I pulled back, assessing the situation.

She groaned. "Drake, please."

"Don't fucking stop. Work that clit."

"I-I need your mouth back on me," she whimpered.

"I'll always give you what you need, Kitten. All you have to do is ask," I said, before I leaned down, digging my fingers into her thighs, and started in again.
