Page 77 of The Villain

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"No, we’ll take the service lift to the second floor, then we're going in the laundry chute."

"The laundry chute? Are you insane?"

"Maybe. But that name, George Santiago…" I tugged her along behind me. If there was some kind of alarm triggered when she went looking for information, I wanted her as far away from here as possible. "George Santiago is dead. As for Tanashi, someone tried to take him out two weeks ago."


"He's alive. But I think it was Massimo Igno who tried to kill him."

"But why would he take him out? Tanashi is just a corporate raider. He's nothing special."

"Not to you, but to the Intelligence world, he is a member of the Syndicate." The service lift arrived, and I shoved her inside. I was on high alert.

She swallowed hard. “So Tanashi isn't exactly on the up and up if he knows who all these people are? And Massimo thinks that means I know who they are too?”

“Massimo is pulling a king-maker play. To some, it might look like he's trying to rise through the ranks. But no, he's taking them out. If he gets that full list of names, he'll be even more deadly. He'll also be at the very top of the largest criminal organization in the world.”

“Jesus. What’s to stop him from coming after me again at that point?”

“Me. The Syndicate is a problem. We've been trying to take them down for years. Every time we get one name, or ferret someone else out, there are two more to replace them. But I plan to take down the whole thing, to collapse the infrastructure. Massimo is trying to keep the infrastructure, and we have a pile of dead bodies to prove it."

"That's why you took pictures of the names?" she asked.

"Yes. I can get it to my people, which means I'm back in play."

"Oh, so you get to go back to being a spy."

"Yes and no,” I hedged. “They know who I am, but now I know who they are, so at least I'm not going in blind anymore. But more importantly, this tells me who Massimo's targets are. If we can get ahead of him, we can catch him."

On the second floor, the lift let us out, and we marched quickly. We had ten minutes left before the cameras came back online, thanks to Rook, but we had no time to waste. When we reached the laundry chute, I opened it for her. "Up and over."

"But it's dark. What if there's no basket?"

"There's a basket."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you trust me, Daphne?"

She bit her bottom lip. "Yeah, I trust you."

Then she climbed over, and down the chute she went. Despite being scared, she didn't make a sound as she went down the chute. "Good girl."

She used something to bang on the chute to let me know she was down, and I followed after her. Sure enough, there was a basket and I lay in a pile of towels. "See? All good."


I helped her out, and we headed out the door. My mind was still buzzing and reeling from the data I'd gathered. All I had to do now was get to somebody before Massimo could access it. I’d send the names to Reina, and she’d have to put me back in. But somehow, getting what I'd ultimately wanted didn't feel like what I really wanted anymore. It wasn't about getting back into the game. I just wanted Massimo gone. I wanted to make sure that Daphne didn't have any reason to be afraid anymore. So right now, I needed to get home and at least start laying the groundwork to ensure her safety.

When she was safely tucked in my car, she grinned at me. "Hey, I sort of like this secret spy stuff. It's fun—"

She was cut off when the alarm started blaring, and I cursed under my breath. As I started the engine, I noticed a motorcycle at the end of the road, and the rider was putting on a helmet.

"Oh, fuck me."

"What? What is it?" she asked, her eyes wide.

