Page 76 of The Villain

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I had one job, to keep Daphne as distracted and calm as possible. "Tell me about Tanashi."

"Great client, kind, polite. Very precise about his data. It requires a two-factor authorization. He has basic data storage and he wants it protected. He’s very particular and constantly wants us to test his firewall.”

"Should he want his data out, how does he get it?"

"He has to come in. It's a two-factor authorization process. Both of us have to grant access for him to access the data."

"What happens if you're not here anymore?"

"I can give authorization to someone else. Usually, it's one of the owners of the company. Obviously, we can't access it without the client, and they can't access it without us. That means if they want access to their data, they have to come in. Or we go to them. Which explains why Massimo wants me at that meeting in Italy.”

“Exactly. Show me the data setup, and maybe I can see what he’s storing. Is there any other way in?”

"There's a brute force way to do it. But it’s hard, and it requires data from both the account owner and me."

"Okay, so with you alive and kicking, that means that they need you to get to this data."

"Yes. If they want to see the details, they need both me and Tanashi to download it. Each of us can look at a portion of the data, but most of it doesn't make sense without the other half. It's like looking at a redacted letter."

"But you can only look at it from inside the office?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that's right."

"What's to prevent you from taking a photo for example?"

"Well, nothing." She frowned, thinking about it.


"But that's unethical."

"It is, but this is a matter of life and death. I want to know what it is that Massimo wants to know."

The lift dinged, and we were let out onto her floor. I watched her like a hawk as her fingers traced along the walls and she glanced around. "Is it okay that it feels weird to be here?"

"Thanks to some friends of mine, no one's going to catch you on CCTV. Because you still intend to work here after this is all over, let's just go ahead and do it from a different computer."

“I'll just type in my credentials and I can look at the raw data because I've been given clearance. But I won’t be able to read it. I can only tell you what kind of data it is. It’s all encrypted."

She went through the biometric and fingerprint scans. "And we're in. Without Tanashi, I can't see anything important. I certainly can't download it, but I can see the details. It looks like these are just names, but I don't recognize any of them."

As she scrolled through, I took photographs. It was just a list of names and accounts. It meant nothing to me until a familiar name popped up. "Wait, right there, George Santiago."

"Who is George Santiago?"

The gnawing dread that had been swirling around for weeks solidified. "Fucking hell. Log out."

She did as she was told. "Why?"

"We have to go. Right now."

"What's going on?" She went toward the lift, but I pulled her down to the service exit.

"We're not going out the front way."

"We're not?"
