Page 72 of The Villain

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Gabe nodded his head. "Rook is in the van."

Tabatha handed me a small comm unit. "Stick that in your ear, pretty boy."

I winked at her. "I'm glad to see you're not ready to rearrange my face yet."

"The night is young," she quipped as she started to pull her backpack off and remove her climbing gear. "P.S., nice trick with the fire escape. That little parkour action was very impressive."

I shrugged. "You're not a bad tail. I didn't see you."

"You didn't?"

"No. Just had a feeling."

She beamed. "You are slippery."

"And you are stealthy."

Gabe rolled his eyes. "If you two are done with the mutual admiration, can we get on with robbing this bank or what?"

Tabatha stood and then smoothed a hand through his hair. "Darling, you almost look nervous."

"We don't have a lot of backup, sweetheart. So I’d like to get in and out, preferably before the cops are called."

She laughed. "Please, you know Rook won't let that happen. The moment a call goes into our units, he's going to redirect them."

"True, but still, there are guards, so let's be fast about this, yeah?"

"I couldn't agree more."

We all had our own set of suction grips. And once I had the comm unit in my ear, I could hear Westin St. James’s voice in my ear. "Ah, the villain. I'm glad you're here."

"Oh, someone's feeling smart."

"Yeah, I wasn't exactly thrilled about it. Saff doesn't even know."

I slid a glance over to Gabe. "So she's new Ops Command, and you still haven't told her?"

"We still have some things to debrief."

Fucking hell. That was going to be a war when it happened. "That’s an understatement."

Tabatha waved her arms. "Yeah, that's going to be awful. I'm going to have to fess up that I've been holding a secret from her, but we have to have the meeting with her. It's only been a month since she took over. It's been a little busy."

"Yeah, but it's happening,” Gabe agreed. “By the time we deal with Massimo, she'll know."

"Right. So look for targets on my back then."

He shrugged. "My sister is pretty level-headed. Most of the time anyway."

"Yes, I remember. Except when she threatened to kill me and cut off my balls."

We began the climb, and the ascent was grueling. We all had our climbing shoes on, but there were no knots. And we were headed to the bloody tenth floor.

I reached my destination only a hair ahead of Gabe, and Tabatha was right behind him. I had my laser out in seconds, bracing myself against one ledge and using it to cut an entry hole in the window.

Once I had one big enough for Gabe and myself, we both waited for Tabatha to climb through. She was responsible for helping pull us through. Gabe made me go first, and then him.

Once we were inside, Tabatha pulled out a machine I'd only seen once in the field. She waved the wand over the climbing grips, and a blue light shone on all of them. Then they all dropped to ten stories below, making a smacking sound as they hit.
