Page 71 of The Villain

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No, I was certainly being followed. Fuck. Had I gone wrong somewhere? Had I exposed Daphne at some point?

I took a left into an alley, scurrying up on top of a garbage bin and up a fire escape, pressing my body into the shadows. And then I waited, not daring to breathe lest it disturbed the mist of the rain around me. I didn't see anyone. My shadow was clever. They were very, very good.

Or you're fucking paranoid and there's no one there.

No, I knew someone was there.

I had an alternate route. It wasn't ideal because it put me at the back of the bank, and scaling that side of the building would be a pain in the arse. Plus, if I crossed that street, the whole block of CCTVs was on, and I'd have to go over the buildings.

No, I wanted this route, but I would take that one if I had to use it.

I went up and over the fire escape, going down on the opposite side of the building, crossing the street and making another sharp left as I headed back to the bank. No one was following me now. That much I knew. And as I made a right toward the bank, in the shadows behind the building where the employees parked, I heard the click of a gun, and I knew without a doubt exactly who had been tailing me.

"Who the fuck told you I was down here?"

Gabe Webb shrugged. I turned swiftly, blocking the gun and disarming him. With a sharp grin, he procured another gun, and suddenly, we were both standing there pointing guns at each other. "What the fuck?"

"I was hoping to tranq you before you did anything truly stupid."

I shook my head. "You're not stopping me, mate. Reginald told you my plan? That old man does worry about everything I've been doing lately."

Gabe shook his head. "No. But how is the old geezer anyway?"

"If it wasn't him, who was it?"

Gabe just chuckled low. "You think I'm an Ops Director for the Rogues for no bloody reason? After the round of questions you were asking the other day, I had Rook work his magic with search histories and phone logs. You used your phone once to call Liam. Imagine my surprise to learn you weren’t, in fact, in Spain. Then of course there was your little visit here last week. You were caught on CCTV. You weren't even hiding."

I shrugged. "Should I have been?"

"Is that a real question? A series of checks and I could tell exactly what you were doing. Imagine what Massimo would do if he found you."

"I wanted him to know."

Gabe's brow furrowed. "So you’re really trying to draw him out?"

"I'm trying to draw him out with something hopefully more important to him than her."

Gabe stepped back, understanding dawning, "His money."

"Exactly. So, are we going to shoot each other in the bollocks, or are you going to let me go in there and do what I came to do?"

Gabe shrugged. "My wife is partial to my nuts. She will be irritated if you shoot them off."

There was a slight shuffle behind me, and I pulled my other gun out, pointing in the direction of the shadows.

A feminine voice with a slight hint of a South African accent clued me in to who had joined Gabe on his task. "Tsk-tsk, Drake Webster. Next time, I won't be in such a hurry to save your life. You owe me."

I shook my head. "I should have known it was the dynamic duo. You take your wife on fucking missions, Webb?"

Gabe chuckled. "Have you met Tabatha? She's almost as deadly as Saff, and there's no leaving her behind. It's like she's got a bloody cowbell tied around me. Every time I try to escape, there she is, waiting on me."

Tabatha stepped into the light and grinned. "Exactly. Like I said, you die, I die. We might as well go together."

He shook his head. "It makes it impossible to protect you."

She wrapped her long red ponytail into a tight bun after she tucked her gun away. "Are you two going to have a chat all night, or are we breaking into a bank?"

"The dynamic duo didn't come with backup?"
