Page 60 of The Villain

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Heat suffused my face, though I wasn’t sure if it was from fury or humiliation. "Reginald is right down the hall. If I scream, he'll come and get me."

"He would if you were screaming because I was hurting you. He already knows I'm not going to hurt you, so he's not coming. He might think you’re a screamer though. Tell me Daphne, are you a screamer?"

My gaze darted to the door and then back to him.

"I see what you're thinking,” he said. “You're not going to make it this time. And let’s not forget how that ended." I shifted my weight to my other foot, and he grinned. "I do like a fighter, but you're still not making it past me. Get ready for bed. Now."

I lifted my chin. "Do not boss me around."

"I will boss you around when I feel like it. Also, your eyes betray you. You like it when I boss you around. I’m starting to think it makes you wet for me."

"I cannot believe you. You made me think that you were changing. That you were nice. That you might let me out of here. But you just want to get your rocks off."

He leaned close, his sandalwood scent wafting around me and he lowered his voice. "Again, please listen carefully, I like my women willing. Are you willing?"

I narrowed my gaze at him. "Sod off."

"So, you're mad I’m asking if you’re willing? Or that I haven’t thrown you on the bed and stuck my tongue in your pussy. Please be clear about exactly why you’re angry."

He was the most infuriating, annoying, idiotic man. And he made me throb.

I whirled on him, jabbing a finger into his chest. "That is not the fucking point, and you know it."

"Be clear, Daphne.” He leaned in close. “Do you want me to leave you alone, or do you want me to suck on those pert nipples of yours? While you decide, get in the goddamn bed, or I will put you there."

Exasperated, I growled and threw up my hands whirling around to get ready. Within fifteen minutes, I was ready for bed, freshly scrubbed and irritated.

"You can be mad all you want, sweetheart. Either way, you have a roommate."

"Roommate implies that you will be sleeping in another room."

He climbed in next to me, and I wedged the duvet around me. I was feeling quite smug until he reached for the light and the panic seized me. “No wait.”

I tried to knock his hands away from the light, but he caught my hands easily. "Stop it, Daphne, or I will zip-tie you.”

I shook her head back and forth. “Please, don't turn off the light."

His brow furrowed. "Love, it's bloody midnight. I have things I have to do tomorrow that are going to require me to be awake and alert. So we’ve got to turn out the lights."

I shook my head vehemently. "Please don't. I'll… Just please don't turn off the lights."

I sighed. "Why not?"

"Can't you just sleep with it on?"

He frowned at that. "What's going on?"

I rolled over, my hand grasping his iron-hard bicep. "Talk to me, Daphne."

"I can't be in the dark, okay?"

He sighed. "Hold on." Then he reached over to the nightstand again, and this time I applied more force with my body, throwing it over his.

Look, I was desperate. "Please, don't turn off the lights. I'm begging you."

“If you beg me just a little to the right, you are going to find out that you are exactly my fucking type.”

He eased me away from him just a little bit. "I'm not going to turn it off, I'm just going to get my phone and turn on a low, ambient light so it won't be completely dark, okay?"
