Page 59 of The Villain

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I was conflicted about that. I loved her more than anything. But things were different now. This week had changed me. I could see our relationship more clearly. Had it always been this one-sided? Had she ever really listened to me? Or had listening always been my job? "Thank you,” I murmured. “I thought you had to head back to the city tonight?”

“My plans changed.”

I forced a smile as I sat down to dinner. Reginald regaled me with stories of the type of child Drake had been. Too inquisitive for his own good, as he’d almost gotten bitten by a badger when he was eleven. And he once poked a wasp's nest, and they were trapped in the house for over two days as they had to call a specialist to come and gather them all before they could go outside.

All the while, Drake just shrugged. "I was curious.”

Reginald just shook his head. "My poor wife. She was constantly patching him up for something."

Drake laughed. "Yeah, I was a bit of a handful."

I stared at him. His smile was something to behold. The sheepish son part of him was even more fascinating than the charming playboy in the bar. There was almost a sweetness and vulnerability to him as a dimple peaked out. The man had dimples? Where the hell had they been hiding? It was probably for the best that he didn't flash that smile around everywhere.

"Oh, good to see some things don't change."

He grinned. "No, not very much."

And as we ate and Reginald went on with more stories about teenage Drake, I realized that for the first time in years, it almost felt like I had family. Real family.



At my bedroom door that night, we stopped in the hall. I opened the door and turned to Drake unsure of how to thank him. "Thank you for tonight. I feel so much better after talking to Willow."

"Of course. If it makes you happier, it was a small concession to make."

I nodded and then turned to walk into the bedroom, closing the door behind me, as I went. But the door met resistance, making me turn back with a frown. "What's wrong?"

Drake lifted a brow. "Just because I let you make a phone call, do you think I'm going to let you sleep by yourself after the stunt you pulled yesterday? Last night I slept outside your door. Tonight, I’m going to be more comfortable. While I'm not going to chain you to the bed, you're definitely not sleeping in here by yourself."

I widened my eyes. "The hell I’m not." He was mad. I certainly wasn’t sleeping with him…in here…after what had happened the other day.

"Sorry, princess, we might have a bit of a truce, but this is also for your safety. I need a bed. I slept like dirt last night. And I’d have to be mad to leave you to your own devices. Especially when I’m asleep. So why don't you go ahead and get ready for bed. You will be sleeping with me."

I widened my eyes. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Well, it's that, or I can zip-tie you to the bed. You can sleep with your arms unencumbered, or you can sleep zip-tied. It's really up to you. But I’m sleeping in this bed either way. Now go ahead and get ready. I'll take my turn after you."

"You can't just sleep next to me," I sputtered.

"I'm not sure what part of that you missed, kitten. You. Are. Not. Sleeping. Alone." He enunciated.

"That makes me very uncomfortable."

"I guess we'll both be uncomfortable then, won't we?" he smirked.

"I’m not going to shag you," I squeaked.

He lifted his brow, watching me intently. "Kitten, you’ve already begged me for it. Or don’t you remember?"

My pussy throbbed like the traitorous bitch she was. "I was in a heightened emotional state!”

He had the nerve to smirk at me. "If you say so. But I do recall you soaking my hand and sheets you came so hard."

"Drake!” I admonished.

But he kept going like he didn’t hear me. "I remember you panting, begging, calling my name. I remember you saying yes."
