Page 3 of The Villain

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I had no bloody idea. But it forced me to hurry up and get my things. My souvenir photo which consisted of me smiling on the platform giving the camera a thumbs up, my keys, and my sweater. When I rushed back outside, the man was gone.

See, chasing shadows again. No one is there.

But as I got into the car, the feeling of being watched stayed with me. I was checking the rearview mirror when my phone rang.

My sister.

There was no avoiding her call. She was checking to see how I’d done. “Hey, Willow.”

“How’d it go? Are you now a professional bungee jumper?”

I winced. I was supposed to be the older braver sister. “Not quite.”

“Oh honey. I’m sorry. I should have come.”

“No. It’s better you didn’t. Long story. I’ll tell you about it later. You okay?”

“Yep, fine. Wedding stress of course, one of the bridesmaids suggested she wear white too. Can you believe that. She’s a stropping cow that one. But before I say anything else, are you sitting down?”


“What’s the matter?” With Willow it could be anything from losing their venue, to Travis irritated her that day, to they lost their deposit somewhere.

My sister hesitated and I could only twist in the wind as I wondered what on earth could be so bad.

“Well, it’s two somethings. The check for Gran’s care. It’s nearly a thousand quid higher for next month. The other is about the wedding.”

Shit. How the hell was I going to be able to cover that? I had a small savings account, but it was nearly gone. But this was Gran. She took me in when I had no one.

“Okay. I’ll figure it out for Gran. What’s the problem with the wedding?” Willow would be marrying Travis O’Connell in four weeks. The two of them were great together. I could always see how much he loved her.

“The thing is… Mum will be coming.”

Oh fuck.



One month Ago…

* * *

All those years working to bring down The Syndicate, and I’d been betrayed.

Trusting the wrong person will do that.

Now I was on the fucking outside. I needed back in. Home Office might think I might heel like some kind of trained dog. After I’d been bailed out, they’d sent me to Spain to stay out of sight until they knew what to do with me.

But the mission wasn’t over until my target was dead or I was.

Too bad for me, I’d run into a brick wall, so now I needed access. Access burned spies didn’t usually have. Except I had an ace in the hole who was still on the inside.

"Liam, tell me something good."

His reticence was palpable even over the phone. "You shouldn't be calling."

He was right. I shouldn’t. But I didn’t give a fuck. Liam Rhodes was one of the best MI5 analysts I'd ever come across. If anyone could find what I needed to get back in from the cold, it would be him.
