Page 2 of The Villain

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"I think we should break up."

River chose that exact moment to come back with the clamp that would release me from the straps.

"W-what?" I whispered.

"You heard me. Besides, it’s embarrassing for me to be with you."

"I don't understand. You pursued me."

"Let's face it, you were available. And it was easy."

Heat suffused my face, and a wave of dizziness crashed into me, leaving me unsteady on my feet. River immediately reached for me and steadied my elbow. "Why are you doing this, Christopher?"

"I've met someone else, so I'm trying to let you down gently."

I looked around and could feel the hysteria bubbling up inside me. "You call that gentle? You wait until I'm about to jump off a bridge and then tell me you're breaking up with me because you've met someone else?"

"I've known her for a long time. Kali Klausman."

My stomach roiled. She was one of our best paying clients. "That time I came into the office and you two were so close…"

He shrugged. "Accidents happen."

I stared at him. That incident was over a month ago. I'd walked in and felt the electric charge in the air. The way she had looked at him.

"So you've been cheating on me for over a month? I just want to make sure I’ve got that right."

He pressed his lips tightly together. "There's no need for drama. And it never seemed like the right time to tell you, but I'm telling you now."

My palms started to sweat and my heart squeezed in my chest. “What did I ever do to you?” I swiped at the tears that were rolling down my face with the back of my hand.

He took a weary step back. "Other than be pathetic? Isn’t that enough? Just so we have an understanding. Try and stay professional.”

A light buzzing sound started somewhere deep inside. Somewhere between standing over the edge of the creek, staring down, and then looking into his pale gray eyes and wondering what on earth I ever saw in him. Around quavering lips, I muttered, “I’m always professional."

Despite him wanting to stay quiet about our relationship, I was a rule follower. I’d disclosed to HR. Since he was my boss, we had to. Turns out it might protect me now. He couldn't fire me.

But he could make my life miserable.

His eyes narrowed as he flattened his lips. “That remains to be seen.”

A cold shiver ran up my back. Forget miserable, he was going to try to make me quit. Fury sparked somewhere deep inside, but the ignition switch wouldn’t turn on. I wanted to tell him I’d fight him. I wanted to rip him a new arsehole. But I didn’t.

I just took it.

Because you’re weak.

Christopher double checked his line and safety rig. He nodded at his jump instructor and stepped up to the platform.

With the boulder sitting in my stomach, all I could do was watch as he prepared to jump.

“Alright?” River asked. The concern was etched into his face, the crease of his brow, and the fine lines around his mouth. He was worried that I was having a panic attack.

I nodded even as I furiously blinked back tears. The team unhooked me from the line and all the safety equipment while I silently wiped away the salty liquid streaming down my face. And just as the last piece of safety equipment fell away, I watched Christopher swan dive off the platform.

I might not have been brave enough to jump, but I had enough self-respect to hurry away so that I could let the tears fall freely without anyone seeing them.

As I walked into the main office, I caught a shadow in the park opposite and frowned. A man was leaning against a tree, and I couldn't explain it, but I could feel his eyes on me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, suddenly making me more afraid than I had been standing on the platform. What the hell was that?
