Page 21 of The Villain

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I tried to smash his instep with my foot, but he had me up in the air and there was no leverage. I could feel tears rimming my eyes, and I knew screaming for help was pointless—no one would be able to hear me except Massimo.

Desperately, I whacked the back of my head into his face with as much force as I could muster, and suddenly my head felt like it was on fire as a sharp pain surged through my skull. He released his grip on me slightly, allowing me to squirm away from him just enough so that I could throw an elbow at him again.

"Stop fucking attacking me!" he growled out. "Get your shit together!"

"Maybe you don't kidnap me," I growled right before I bit his hand.

Drake yowled and held me tighter.

"Miss Winslow, I like things done in a particular way. If you can't comply, things will get far more difficult for you."

I writhed in his grip. "You mean more difficult than a client kidnapping me?" My breath huffed out with my muffled question. I was embarrassingly out of shape. Should have spent more time really working in the gym and less time on the Krav Maga mats staring at the ceiling wondering how I got there.

"Kidnapping is such an ugly word. Think of it as momentarily restraining."

When I ran out of options, I made my body go slack. What was he doing here? Was he working with Massimo?

It suddenly occurred to me that they were the same kind of men. Brutal and terrifying.

But even as I thought it, my brain wouldn't latch on. No, that wasn't right. They weren't the same. This was different.

Behind me, he murmured, "That's it, relax. Is there anything here that you cannot replace?"

I frowned, my brain wary. I pointed at my phone, and he chuckled softly then dragged me backward, carrying me as if I weighed nothing. I still couldn't find a purchase on my feet.

He lowered me just enough for me to grab my phone but didn't release my mouth or the grip he had around my waist, and then he dragged me to the window.

As he carried me, I felt my body start to tremble with fear. My every instinct told me to fight back, to lash out with everything I had. But I knew deep down that it would be useless. This man was stronger than me, more experienced at this kind of thing. I was entirely at his mercy.

"If I let you go, will you scream?"

I could lie and say I wouldn't scream and then scream anyway. He didn't seem to want to hurt me. Or rather he wanted to take me somewhere else to hurt me. Fuck. I was never supposed to let an attacker take me to a second location, right?

But then the door was rattling again, and this time Massimo was sticking something inside the door, trying to fuck with the latch.

I shook my head vehemently.

"That's it, that's a good girl."

Then he shoved the window open even further and dropped me feet first. I gave a little yelp as he plopped me into the shrubs below. "Aaaahhh."

He was on the ground with me seconds later. But I had to at least try to run for it. If I was lucky, maybe I could make it to the parking lot. The attendants would see me, or somebody would help me, right?

I made it exactly three feet, just enough for the crunch of gravel under my feet to sting. Then I winced as he hauled me back up against him. "And here I thought you were going to play nice."

Before I knew what was happening, he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder, digging into my midriff as I now had a perfect view of his arse.

My stomach flipped. Wow. Taut, high, firm. Obviously, he never skipped leg day.

I knew that this was not the time to be admiring my captor's physique, but I couldn't help it.

He had a strength that belied his size, and I knew that he could crush me if he wanted to. But instead, he carried me as if I weighed nothing at all.

I shook my head at the thought. All of this was wrong. Even so, there was something about him that drew me in, something that made me feel safe when everything else about this situation screamed danger.

"What do you want from me?"

"Right the fuck now, I want to get you bloody well away from here. After that, we'll talk about it."
