Page 20 of The Villain

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Massimo stood. "I'll walk you."

Travis, nodded. "That sounds like a great opportunity to get to know each other. Maybe you guys can be friends or something. Give Daphne a chance to get over her ex."

Massimo scoffed. "She won’t even think about him after a few minutes with me.”

I only barely resisted the urge to gag.

My sister, who I expected to stand up for me, folded. “Maybe becoming friends is a good idea. Daph, you don’t really know Massimo that well. Maybe there’s no harm.”

I didn’t know what the hell I was waiting for. Or why the hell I thought that anyone would stand up for me. “I’m done.” Before Massimo could join me, I put up my hand. “No. I’m going. By myself. I need air.” I marched out of the restaurant, not giving a damn that people were staring at me. I retreated to my room, planning to leave the next day.

I didn't want to. I wanted to spend time with Willow and Travis, but Massimo was like that creepy guy at school that just leered at you. Not really scary, but creepy and persistent.

I was tired. I kept trying to be that person that said I wanted to live my life to the fullest, to experience everything, but something always stopped me. There was so much I was excited to do, but it was either shit or get off the pot. I wanted that life. The one I kept promising myself. So the moment I got home, I was going to start living it. I wasn't going to let anyone scare me away.

I'd been angry with my mother for so long, and while she was a problem, she wasn't in control of me now.

A man like Massimo just wanted to control me in his own way, just like Christopher had. I might want to run, but I wasn't going to. And I wasn't going to let people like Massimo stop me.

Once in my room, I began packing my bag quickly until banging started at the door. Someone was shouting my name, and they were insistent about getting in.

I knew who it was. What more did I have to say? Why couldn’t I sculk out like a normal person avoiding an over eager suitor?

The banging started to rattle the door and my heart rate spiked. This was more than creepy now. I shoved a chair under the door handle, backing up.

My phone in my hand I was ready to call emergency services. But how long would it take to get out here. I was better calling the front desk for security.

He banged again, this time shouting my name. “Open the door Daphne!”

I barely contained a squeak as I jumped and backed up.

The tingle of awareness came a second too late as my arse hit crotch and a hand clamped over my mouth.







I could feel his presence looming behind me, the heat of his breath radiating off my neck. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, and my palms were slick with sweat. I had never been in a predicament like this before, and I was absolutely petrified.

My mind raced as I tried to remember everything that I had learned in self-defense class. Elbow, head, your whole body is a weapon. I mustered all my strength and shot my elbow back, digging the pointy tip into a rib bone.

A low growl escaped from his throat as he grabbed both my arms and squeezed them tightly, leaving me immobile and helpless. Panic flooded through my body as I frantically searched for a way out.

"Stop struggling."

My heart skipped a beat. I had heard that voice before. It was familiar, deep, and terrifyingly menacing. I knew exactly who it belonged to—the man who had kissed me so good I wanted to slap my ex. He was here, inches away from me, and there was no escape.

Dread engulfed me like a tidal wave. Who the fuck was Drake Foster? I'd looked him up. He was legitimate, so what was he doing here in my room? And was he going to give me to Massimo?

I fought the panic and rising bile. The only way out was to fight like hell. I might not win, but I might take enough evidence with me to send him to the nick for a long time.
