Page 115 of The Villain

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After the waiter took our order, I started to relax a little. I could do this. I just had to wait for the helicopter.

But when she leaned in and whispered sweetly, "I love you. Thank you for tonight," she shattered my resolve.

"I love you too. I should take you out every night."

"Nah, I don't need to. Besides, if we have limited time, I'd rather stay in."

"Daph. I-" Movement in my peripheral vision made me pause. The hairs on the back of my neck standing at attention had me looking for an exit for Daphne.

Her normally smooth brow furrowed. "Drake? What's going on?"

I turned to peruse the diners more closely. "Probably nothing, but love, why don't you go to the bathroom and lock yourself in."

Her raised eyebrow was basically the equivalent of saying, "The fuck I will. "Absolutely not." She had to be crazy if she thought I was going to let her walk into this. "What's going on?"

"Honey. I'm not sure, but I'd feel more comfortable if you just-" The wine glass on our table shattered, stopping me in my tracks.

I wasted no time turning the table on its side and pulling her behind it. The serenity and quiet of the restaurant erupted into screams and more shattered glass as diners ran and ducked for cover as bullets flew.

"So much for a quiet dinner," Daphne muttered. "Is this a friend of yours?"

I grabbed her clutch from the floor and pulled out her compact, using it to check my lines of sight. and that was when I saw the bearded man making a run for the kitchen.

Salvador Gianni.

A Syndicate enforcer. One of the ones we still had to clean up. Was he here for me, or was it just a coincidence? And how the hell did he find me?

No such thing as coincidence. Move your ass.

"What are the chances of you staying here?" I asked Daphne.

She pursed her lips and shook her head at me. "You go I go."

I cursed under my breath. Of course she would refuse to stay. But I couldn't let her get hurt. I had to take care of Gianni first. "Fine. But stay behind me and do exactly as I say."

Daphne nodded but I could see the fear in her eyes. Why wouldn't she just stay here?

You helped her get strong. She won't hide now.

I hated to put her in danger, but there was no other way if she wouldn't stay. First I sent my SOS code to headquarters on my phone, then I took Daphne's hand and led her to the kitchen where I could hear the sounds of a struggle.

Fortunately, there was no more shooting, but the restaurant was still in an uproar.

I slowly opened the door to the kitchens, making sure Daphne stayed behind me as we entered. We were met with the sight of Gianni holding a chef hostage with a knife to his throat. "Back off, Webster. I'm not afraid to use this."

I raised my hands in a peaceful gesture, trying to keep Daphne safe behind me. "Let the chef go, Gianni. This doesn't have to end in violence."

He laughed, the sound getting on my nerves. "You've always been soft, Webster. That's why you'll never survive" He tightened his grip on the knife, drawing a bead of blood from the chef's throat.

I could feel my rage building, the need to protect my loved ones overwhelming any sense of caution. "Let him go or I'll make you regret it."

Gianni sneered, "You and what army?"

I didn't need an army. I was armed. I had my baretta hidden in the small of my back. Not to mention the Rogues were on their way.

But the old way of doing things wasn't going to work anymore. I couldn't shoot him. Not with all these witnesses and looking like a civilian.

Fuck. Things were so much simpler when I was a spy. The shadows were easier.
