Page 114 of The Villain

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Tonight had to be perfect.

And it will be. As long as she says yes.

As the car dropped us off in front of the Shard on London Bridge Street, I opened my door and walked around to Daphne's side to open her As for her. She gave me a mischievous grin and slid her hand into mine. As always, the softness in her frightened me a little. It triggered my protective instincts. I would always take care of her. As long as she let me.

OK, who is that pulling? Even if she wouldn't let me, I would.

"The Shard. This is Fancy Drake."

"Well, when I don't get to see my kitten very often, I have to make it special."

She leaned into me, pressing her much smaller body against mine. "I know it's been crazy lately. I'm just glad we get to spend a whole night together. Luckily, my project is winding down. So we'll get some normal time soon."

I kissed her on the top of her head as we walked into the building towards the elevator. "Gabe and Saff have promised a little more downtime as well, so you'll be stuck with me. We'll do farmers' markets and go to the country on holiday."

The sound of her giggle was sweet. "If you want to see Reginald more often, just say so."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Okay, fine. I think it best not to let the old man stew alone for too long. I haven't been out there in a month. I want to make sure he's okay."

"And around here, everyone thinks you're this big bad killer." She leaned forward as she said the last word. "But really, you're just a big softie."

I tickled her sides as we stepped into the elevator. "Don't tell all my secrets now." I pulled her in for a kiss, sliding my hands down her asre, pressing her against my swelling cock.

"I see someone missed me," Daphne whispered against my lips.

"Ignore him. I've missed you. Think of him as a giant, intrusive thought."

Daphne pulled back with a grin. "Giant indeed."

I couldn't stop myself from chuckling. "Woman, I'm trying to be romantic here. And you keep trying to indulge my dirty thoughts."

"Well, to be fair, it is very fun when I give in to them."

The elevator slowed to a stop and I had to clear my throat and step away from her before the situation in my trousers became untenable. "Behave yourself, woman. Tonight, I'm going to woo you. There will be wine and drinks and food so delicious it will make you moan with every bite. I'm taking care of you.”

She gave me another cheeky grin. "I mean, there are other ways to take care of me and make me moan." She giggled and stepped just out of reach as I aimed to swat her bottom.

"You keep teasing me and I'll forget everything I've planned and find a very dark corner where I can make you moan my name and I don't give a fuck if the whole restaurant hears you."

She looked up at me from her lowered lashes, "Promise?"

And that was that. My cock was steel in my trousers as I thought of all the ways I could make her moan. Quietly and not so quietly.

I had no choice but to follow her into the restaurant as the hostess led us to our table. The swaying of her arse in that vermilion dress that skimmed her knees was enough to make me drool.

She was teasing me. On purpose. My brain was trying to think of all the ways we could get to dessert first. I should have just fucked her before we left the compound.

No. I was going to propose, damn it. I wasn't going to get distracted.

She looked at me over her menu. "What's wrong? You seem off."

Shit. She knew me too well by now. "I'm fine, kitten. What wine would you like?"

"Forget the wine. I'll have a cocktail. But are you sure you're okay?"

No, I was not damn okay. I wanted to make this perfect. Instead, I was horny and she was suspicious. "Nothing wrong except I'm thinking of all the ways I can bend you over this table."

Her lips formed a small "O" shape as she hid behind her menu.
