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Kyle exhales heavily. "I miss you."

My breath catches in my lungs. The words feel like dark liquid chocolate sliding down my throat, warming my entire body after spending a day in the snow.

"I miss you, too."

There's a comfortable silence that settles over us and my cheeks start hurting. I've been smiling wide the whole time we've been on the phone, and I hadn't even noticed.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Kyle finally breaks the silence, steering the conversation away from dangerous, late-night phone confessions.

"Working," I tell him.

"You're working? Where at?" he asks.

I groan. "I'm Mom's personal assistant. I fetch her coffee. Answer her phone. Send emails. Take out the trash. Pretty much whatever she tells me to do. She's still not talking to me unless she's barking orders at me."

"She'll come around," Kyle says confidently.

"Maybe," I reply. "But she's really angry her only child is having hot, mind-blowing sex with the experienced hooligan next door."

"Mind-blowing, huh?" I can hear the smile in his voice.

"It is for me," I quietly admit.

"It's mind-blowing for me, too," Kyle assures me.

"I'm glad." I can't help but grin in the dark cab of the truck.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash of long brown hair walking along the dark sidewalk in front of me.


She's wiping her eyes as she wanders into Kyle's favorite little coffee shop.

"Hey," I say into the phone, "can I call you back?"

"Sure, everything alright?"

"Yeah," I tell him.

When I open the coffee shop door, I see a familiar sight and my heart clenches in my chest. Audra is at the same corner table I sat at with Kyle a few months ago. She's holding her head in her hands and her whole body is quivering, trembling, shaking.

I order two hot chocolates, wait by the bar for them and try not to stare as Audra has a meltdown in the same place. Probably over the same brown-eyed boy I did not too long ago.

With both mugs overflowing with whipped cream, I head towards her.


Audra's head turns in my direction and my heart slips down to my stomach. Her grey eyes are red-rimmed, her cheeks flushed with tears and her hands gripping tightly to the jacket around her body.

"Jenny," she sobs. Her shoulders fall forward and her body rocks uncontrollably.

I set the cup of hot chocolate down in front of her before sitting in the seat across from her.

She grabs a handful of napkins, blows her nose into them, eyes with me with so much agony and misery and pain I almost burst into tears myself.

"H-he d-doesn't want t-to be with me," she chokes out, her nose clogged and her throat hoarse. "And I'm carrying his ch-child!"

I'm almost certain no one knows that Audra's pregnant yet, but several people in the coffee shop, a few unfamiliar faces, turn to look at us.
