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"Well, this must have been a really good day then," I return as I snuggle closer to him, selfishly use his body to warm mine, gloat that it's me he can hold back with, can control himself with, can go an ungodly amount of time with.

Maybe I should be intimidated by the other girls he's been with, jealous even, but I'm kind of glad he knows what he's doing. Could just be all the hormones and chemical reactions in my brain talking, but I have to give it to him.

Sex with Kyle Thompson is otherworldly. Thrilling. Orgasmic.

"We should get dressed before Walter finds us like this," Kyle suggests.

I stick my bottom lip out, pretend to pout. "Can't we stay up here all night? Just you and me?"

Kyle chuckles. "Next weekend, Jenny. Two whole nights. And I can guarantee you won't be able to walk by the time I'm done with you."

I reluctantly untangle myself from his warm body, reach for my dress a few feet away before batting my eyelashes at him. "That better be a promise."

His upper teeth sink into his bottom lip. "Oh, don't worry, it is."

My heart starts beating wildly in my chest at the way his eyes burn into mine, the way his body unconsciously angles towards me, the way he makes every inch of my skin feel like it's on fire.

We quickly dress. Kyle zips up my dress while I smooth his hair down and tell him he needs a haircut. We clear off the table, unstring the twinkling lights and then wait by the door for Walter. He arrives a few minutes before ten.

"You kids have a good evening?" he asks as we climb into the blue cabin, patiently waiting for him to close us inside so we can have ten more minutes before we return to reality.

"We did," Kyle tells him.

"I'm glad to hear that," he nods his head. "Doris is waiting at the bottom for you. You two be careful getting home now."

"Thanks again," Kyle shakes his hand before Walter closes the door.

Then, we're being whisked back down the mountain.

Kyle's hand rests comfortably on my thigh. My arms wrap around his and I hold on tight. There's something that's been on my mind all night and I really want to ask him about it. I just don't know if I should. If it will break the euphoric spell we're under.

I tap my foot restlessly against the floor, decide to ask anyway. "What were you and Mom talking about this morning?"

"You," he answers without hesitation, almost as if he expected the words to tumble from my lips before the night was over.

I chew on the inside of my cheek. "Tommy thinks she's having a hard time dealing with me, you know, growing up."

Kyle shrugs. "Doesn't give her the right to be nasty."

"Did she say anything to you about me going to Boulder?" I press. "I told her I was going even though she said I couldn't. I don't think she liked that."

He shakes his dark head. "No, we didn't talk about you coming to see me. She was more interested in telling me how wrong I am for you."

My arms grip him tighter as terror floods my chest. "You're not going to listen to her, right?"

"Of course not," he reassures me. "I'm not giving you up that easily." The way he says it warms my bones, my cheeks, and fills my chest with molten lava.

"Good," I beam up at him. "Because I'm not planning on going anywhere."

His fingers trail up my thigh, teasing my bare flesh. "I'm not wasting this opportunity, Jenny. I don't care what your mom says."

"Did she say anything else?"

Kyle looks down at his feet. "That you're still not over Matt and I'm taking advantage of you."

I want to pull my hair out. Again, with the Matt thing? Seriously?

"I don't want Matt," I tell Kyle as he looks up, the faded glow of the moon filling his face. "I only want you."
