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I let out a surprised gasp when I see a table in the center, covered in a white tablecloth and a vase of red roses. The view of our small mountain town in the distance is perfect.

Kyle pulls out my chair. It scruffs along the wood flooring, echoes throughout the charming space. I sit down and he pushes the chair in under me.

"I'll be right back," he tells me before disappearing behind the coffee bar.

He returns moments later with a brown to-go bag, a yellow label on the front. That can only mean one thing.


"Burgers?" I excitedly guess.

Kyle nods. "With no pickles."


He takes a seat across from me, slides a yellow wrapped burger out of the bag and hands it to me.

I unwrap it, peer over the red roses at Kyle before taking a bite.

Dinner is quiet as we eat, both of us watching the other. The silence is comfortable, taut, heated. At one point, Kyle's tongue darts out, slides over his lips, removes a tiny dab of mustard from the corner of his mouth. My insides squirm restlessly.

By the time we're done, the atmosphere in the glass-covered building is wanton and muggy and electrifying. I take off my sweater, slip out of my heels. Kyle collects the wrappers and paper bag and napkins and wanders over to the coffee bar to throw it all away.

I stand up, take a few steps towards the glass wall, and gaze out over the snow-capped peak. It's silent, peaceful, and eerily calm being this high up, secluded. So different from the daytime when the busy foot traffic fills the observation deck with endless noise.

Kyle's footsteps faintly carry through the glass building until he stops right behind me. A puff of his warm breath against the top of my head sends a shiver down my spine. He pulls my hair to the side; his lips find my neck and he places a kiss on my warm skin.

Then, his fingers are slipping under the thin strap of my dress, teasing it down my shoulder, his mouth trailing soft pecks down my bare skin, then back up it. My skin tingles, seers, burns. I want more.

I try to steady my breathing when his fingers find the zipper on the back of my dress and he slowly slides it down, revealing my back. He inhales sharply when he realizes I'm not wearing a bra.

His knuckle gently glides down my exposed skin, slipping over each notch in my spine until he reaches my lower back. He draws tantalizing circles on the space there, making my belly tighten, my skin heat until it's about to incinerate the soft material of my dress.

I close my eyes, letting my head fall back against his chest as his hands find my shoulders again. His fingers wrap around both straps of my dress and he pulls them down my arms. The velvety material falls off my body and pools at my feet.

His hands reach around me, find my bare stomach, and trail higher as he pulls me closer to him.

"You're so beautiful, Jenny," he murmurs in my ear.

My heart melts beneath the glaring reality that he finds me beautiful, desirable, worthy.

And I'm ready for whatever he has planned next.

Chapter 26

I just see his eyes. Dark, daring, and filled with lust. They don't leave my blue ones as his stomach slides along mine, sweat collecting between us, the twinkling lights shrouding us in a flaxen glow, the slick sound of our bodies colliding against one another.

I've lost track of time, of where I am, of all the problems that impatiently wait at the bottom of the mountain. Whatever they are, I can't even remember now.

It's just Kyle and me, on a makeshift bed on the wood floor of the observation deck, his body slowly, rhythmically thrusting into mine.

I don't know who unbuttoned his dress shirt or how the soft material ended up below us. I just know it happened in a dream-like, hazy trance.

His fingers, oh my god, his fingers. They started inside of me, and it felt so much better than the steamy sex dream I had of him. I had no idea, no idea, that's what that felt like. He hit some spot and I trembled, squirmed, nearly blacked out from the bliss. He just kept hitting the same area over and over until I was writhing beneath his experienced hand.

He didn't give me a reprieve, a chance to come back to before he was sliding the condom over that huge, so freaking huge, length of his. I wanted to reach out, stroke it with my fingers, but he didn't give me a chance.

Next time.
